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Thearmededucator last won the day on September 8 2024

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  • Location
    Oakland, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Teacher, Firearms Instructor


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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    M&P Shield Plus

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  1. Random Conspiracy Theory: What if the protests against Tesla are a Deep State conspiracy to use reverse psychology in order to convince conservatives to accept electric vehicles….
  2. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1DVniyQJEq/?mibextid=wwXIfr
  3. Seriously. If I didn’t live in Memphis I’d be all over this
  4. No it didnt change my mind. But that said: If someone calls you a Horse, you punch him in the mouth. If a second person calls you a Horse, you call him an A-hole. If a third person calls you a Horse, you probably ought to start looking for a saddle... I have not personally seen one go off, but I know and trust a couple who have. Not worth it to me
  5. Unfortunately, my trade would be a Gen 4 34...
  6. Id be interested, but with young kids Im entirely dependent on time and place
  7. 100% Running my M1A EBR would be SICK though...
  8. I always wanted to do a heavy metal match, but the ammo costs were too much for me
  9. Outside of the box answer, TCA 39.17.1322 (a) A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part if the person possessed, displayed or employed a handgun in justifiable self-defense or in justifiable defense of another during the commission of a crime in which that person or the other person defended was a victim. (b) A person who discharges a firearm within the geographical limits of a municipality shall not be deemed to have violated any ordinance in effect or be subject to any citation or fine the municipality may impose for discharging a firearm within the limits of the municipality if it is determined that when the firearm was discharged the person was acting in justifiable self-defense, defense of property, defense of another, or to prevent a criminal offense from occurring. https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/title-39/chapter-17/part-13/section-39-17-1322/ So basically, if the only reason they find out about it is after you need to use it, you’re still covered (in theory)
  10. Do you already compete? If not, my recommendation is to not buy guns starting out. As long as the Sig doesnt go off in your holster* it should be fine. Go shoot some matches and see what you actually need. I shot 3 Gun for 3 years with my 870 because I already had one and the time on the pump wasnt making enough difference to matter. Once I starting getting in the Top 3 in my division I finally upgraded to a semiauto. That year I won my division for the Season at TSF in Jackson. Another big factor is what level you plan to shoot 3 Gun. If its just local matches theres really no reason to buy extra pistols if you have some that already suffice. I did wind up buying a Glock 34 for competition after a while, mostly due to the ammo costs of competing with a .45. I would recommend buying a couple shell caddies to start off with, so you can dryfire. I really liked the EZ-8 as my first one due to price (it was like ~$40) and Invictus Practical (although I heard they went out of business)
  11. I have always wanted an 1897 Winchester, because nothing says “Get out of my house!” Like a slam fire capable, 12 gauge Shotgun, loaded with 00 buck, and a 19 inch bayonet
  12. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/19w3Qg1vLr/?mibextid=wwXIfr
  13. The chainsaw didnt replace the ax, but it changed how people used them. As with everything in defense, its all about context. Revolvers are often more expensive, require more training to reach a real level of combat proficiency, and of course carry less ammunition. For a primary defensive arm, they are less efficient; but that does not mean I think they will disappear. They are excellent in niche roles, such as back ups, nontraditional carry methods, hunting, and low motivation/skill users. In a lot of ways, I view the revolver in the same light as the pump action shotgun. For the non shooter they are the simplest to leave in a drawer or a closet for months or years and have it go BANG; but if they have to do more than press the trigger they get complicated for the uninitiated quickly. Statistically, a lot of things. In high round count classes, revolvers fail at higher rates than semiautos. Now I said fail, rather than malfunction for a reason. If a semiauto malfunctions, it generally remedied by simple immediate actions by the user, whereas revolver malfunctions generally will require a gunsmith to solve. We just dont see them, because most revolver shooters dont shoot a large volume of rounds. I have lost count of the number of times as an instructor that Ive seen people come to the range with a partial box of revolver ammo, shoot a couple cylinders, and leave with ammo still in the same box, ready for the next range trip.
  14. Definitely let her pick her own, but that said, the Enigma really is a game changer. I would recommend adding a sport belt as well for comfort and ability to carry spare mags, pepper spray, etc without pockets. I have been able to wear mine completely concealed while shirtless at waterparks. Its really impressive If you or your wife are on Facebook, I would highly recommend checking out the PHLster Concealment Workshop Group. It has a lot of great advice for all types. https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1AwTjHYLtL/


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