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Everything posted by Chucktshoes

  1. A friend of mine is taking a job in the FATD. He is exactly the kind of folks we need in that position. Lord knows we need help like him on the inside.
  2. Sadly, no. I’ve had some decent play money, but not $50k of play money. It does have a binary trigger installed. The poor man’s facsimile.
  3. A cameo appearance being put in by a DLB ( @Grand Torino) trench knife.
  4. The effectiveness of the lockdowns was only going to work as long as they remained in effect. Once they began to be lifted, what happened was always going to happen. We have a long history of being very bad at developing treatments for this type of virus. So anyone attempting to convince you of a vaccine being imminent is selling you a load of BS. The same BS that was sold to us about the lockdowns. Of course our fear let them shift the goalposts really fast. if you remember, they were initially sold to us under the idea of “flattening the curve” to allow medical services to not be overwhelmed and prepare for the mass amounts of sick and dying. When that didn’t happen, all of a sudden it was “we can stop it!” No, we can’t. We never could and to believe so is a fantasy. For the all of human existence disease has been a limiter of the population and only in the last century have we begun to be able to fight back against it. We’ve gotten too full of ourselves and too confident in our abilities. Every so often nature will remind us that we don’t know as much as we think we do. I’m all for taking measures to slow the spread to give medical services the time it needs to handle the load, but I’m not down with destroying the lives and livelihoods of millions upon millions in pursuit of an impossible goal. The only way out, is through.
  5. It’s pretty much a guarantee that whatever you want is going to require a trip to the other side of the state.
  6. I’ll miss the menu bar at the bottom, but no biggie. I do have to say the top looks a lot cleaner on the iPhone. Appreciate all the work you put into this for us.
  7. The only way out, is through. No matter how much folks want there to be another way, there isn’t. We can’t go back to locking it all down again. The costs are too high. All we’ve accomplished with the lockdowns is the destruction of our economy. Folks are still going to get it, and they are still going to die. There’s no way around that. I think we are coming back full circle to what the original plan was, flattening the curve so that medical services are not overwhelmed. It’s time to stop lying to ourselves and accept the inevitable. The only way out is through.
  8. Something to keep in mind is TANSTAAFL. There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. There is always a cost to everything. On the internet, the way that works out is that if you ain’t paying for it, that means you aren’t the customer, you’re the product. I’d rather pay up front and know what the actual cost is.
  9. Blake took out a speed goat with his pickup last night. Maybe you’ll have more luck that way.
  10. I totally didn’t catch that at first.
  11. Nah, he ain’t coming back. If anything he’s only going further out into nowhere.
  12. It was most likely his job. We had combat reporters embedded with units during WWII. Both Andy Rooney and Walter Cronkite made names for themselves with their reporting during WWII.
  13. Honestly, it would not surprise me if Walmart slowly but surely exited this market entirely. That said, every local gun store in the country would shout it with glee.
  14. Wild hogs are generally too lean to build up the necessary fat for bacon. I wonder if they’ve got sufficient fat in the jowls? I just love good hog jowl.
  15. I’m seriously jelly.
  16. This is painfully accurate.
  17. No, it’s not about the brace. They are declaring the pistol as an AOW. Brace or no, it’s an AOW. It’s $5 to transfer one that’s already been registered. It’s $200 to make one and initially register it.
  18. I think the odds of them taking a 2A case just got better though. The prevailing theory is that SCOTUS declined the recent spate of cases because there was concern over Roberts being squishy. It only takes 4 justices to grant certiorari, so there was obviously a decision by someone that it wasn’t a good time to hear those cases.
  19. They’re saying maybe, maybe not. The ATF could take 2 identical saint pistols and declare one an AOW, the other not and they won’t determine that unless they have the actual item in hand. So all the “Large Handguns” out there are basically Schroedinger’s AOWs at this point. You don’t get to find out until a cop decides he wants to make an issue of it and arrest/seize/submit for a determination.
  20. As posted by Tim from Military Arms Channel This was sent to me for sharing on social media (see link below). The law firm of Wiley Rein is one of the largest law firms in the firearms industry and represents a number of major manufacturers in their dealings with the BATF and regulations. This is NOT a joke nor is it speculation. This is a stark warning of things to come and I hope it prompts you to take political action. This letter is about several things but primarily it is something you should take very seriously because of recent actions by the BATF that will affect any owner of AR15 pistols, AK pistols, HK pistols, etc. Yes, this means your Saint AR pistol or your Draco. That's exactly what the ATF is targeting. There are several things of importance in this email. First: It goes against the Trump administrations Executive Order mandating such regulatory practices cease. The BATF has lead the charge is thumbing their nose at the President and his DOJ under the leadership of Attorney General Barr. Second: Any firearm that has a barrel length that is too long, or the firearm is too heavy will be considered not importable by the BATF. No more pistol versions of rifles will be importable. Third and the MOST IMPORTANT: Through unwritten interpretation of regulations and through private correspondence with unspecified companies, the ATF has capriciously and arbitrarily decided that ANY AR15 pistol, AK pistol, HK pistol, etc. is an ANY OTHER WEAPON (AOW) and thus is subject to the NFA and taxation. Any company who produces such firearms for sale in the United States and any consumer/owner of such firearms are either manufacturing or in possession of illegal AOW's. This is being retroactively enforced. It does not matter if you bought a previously approved firearm. The only way you can be for certain you are not in possession of an illegal NFA item is to personally submit your AR15 pistol, AK pistol, etc. to the ATF for a determination. This can take up to a year and any letter given to you is only for you. The ATF is getting around the EO's by claiming they're not making any permanent determination and their decisions are in essence fluid and subject to change. When you were willing to hand over bump stocks, we warned you it was not about the bump stocks, it was about HOW they were doing it. This is why Gun Owners of America and I are suing the federal government. When they started talking about reclassifying braced pistols as SBR's, you laughed and said people who bought them were stupid. Now, as we warned, they're coming for your regular AR15 and AK pistols. Is it so funny now? WAKE UP! Contact your representatives TODAY and tell them you will NOT stand for the ATF making such capricious and arbitrary rules thus turning millions of Americans into felons over night. Sit silent now and you will have no one to blame but yourselves for what comes next. GET POLITICALLY ACTIVE. Letter from Wiley Rein: https://bit.ly/3otxo2t Contact your Reps: https://bit.ly/3jpVzva
  21. That’s about pretty average over the last number of years. It’s way better than when I got mine and the wait was over a month. Some of the cats here who’ve been carrying for a couple decades will tell you stories of having to wait in excess of 3 months.
  22. Sonovabitch! What next? 2020 is asshoe!
  23. Man, I love that ACSS reticle. I just wish Nightforce would license it. So I could marry my favorite reticle with my favorite glass.
  24. Just discovered a new feature that I really, really love. It’s super awesome. “4 Weeks later”!!!!!! Do y’all see that?! It lets you know where there is a time gap between posts! Man I hope folks notice that. You can do your part to help end 10 year old necroposts.


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