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Everything posted by Chucktshoes

  1. While I can’t point you to a specific location around you, if you check with your local farmers co-op they usually have dyed farm diesel.
  2. Gonna have to push back a little bit here. Even though the mounts exist, most NV monoculars are not rated to handle the recoil of a rifle. Mounting them to a rifle can lead to damage anywhere from image blems to the unit just suddenly quitting working entirely. It is very much not advisable to mount them directly to a weapon.
  3. I can’t say that I’m a fan. It’s just not to my taste. Not that I have any issue with it considering how much I’ve spent customizing my Browning HiPower‘s.
  4. This is a political problem that can be solved easily if there was enough political will to do it. These bureaucratic roadblocks were intentionally erected when we stupidly decided to move away from nuclear power. Than can be removed in the same bit of legislation that funds plants. It’s all a choice that has to be made.
  5. Reference the part where I said folks who have the ability to do something aren’t interested in doing anything of merit.
  6. This is the infrastructure that I’m talking about as needing investment.
  7. Everyone loves to frame this as an either/or situation. That’s the wrong way to go about it. It’s an all of the above situation. We should absolutely be encouraging ramping up fossil fuel production for the short term. At the same time we need to be building nuclear plants and securing raw material rights around the world along with investing in technology improvements for battery production. These aren’t solutions that will fix anything over the next month year or even 10. This is about long-term energy independence. The problem is that the people making these decisions have no desire nor incentive to think past the next election cycle. A pox on all of them. TLDR:if you are against immediate increased fossil fuel production, eff you. If you’re against fullbore investment in electric and renewables, eff you too. Both camps are more interested in scoring wins or their own personal vendetta is actually accomplishing anything of merit.
  8. I do not. I sold it to a friend of mine in Athens.
  9. As you know, I’m not talking about a short term fix. This is a longer-term solution to a problem that’s only going to continue to get worse if we fail to take action.
  10. Due to upbringing and a lot of intangibles I will always maintain a great love for the internal combustion engine. Sadly though, I don’t believe we can truly justify our reliance on them for transportation any longer. The risks to our economy and to the well-being of the citizenry through energy price spikes like what we are experiencing now are just too great. We are going to have to make peace with the fact that we must transition to electric vehicles and renewable energy. But I’m not talking about some mythical wind/solar/hydro fantasy land of renewable energy production. Anyone who discusses renewables and does not go hard in the paint for nuclear is not looking at the problem with any sort of realistic worldview. Nuclear energy is safe, reliable, and we should be building as many plants as it takes to power our nation.
  11. Unlike deep water drilling or other drilling production sources worldwide which require a 5 to 10 year leadtime before they are able to effectively produce new oil for the market, American shale oil production (fracking) has about a 3 to 6 month turnaround time for getting oil to market. So yes, US production in that sector can absolutely have a short term effect on pricing. That said, expect 5.50 to 6 dollars per gallon nationwide before prices start to sink.
  12. The price of oil is set globally. Doesn’t matter if we pump it here or not. You would have to use legislation to disconnect the oil drilled and refined here from the global market to have an appreciable effect.
  13. Not me. Some of us had work to do.
  14. I do actually still have those parts but no, I can’t put it back in the old configuration. It’s not a simple parts swap like an AR. It takes a bit more involved work to swap barrels and such on that upper receiver.
  15. $4.29 last night at the Flash Market in Bells.
  16. Not likely unless his grandma was from Memphis.
  17. Having a modification performed by a qualified smith is not the same as doing it yourself.
  18. Must be more of an easterly thing. Here obviously, and all my folks in MS, AR, AL, GA and even down into LA are all in the y’all camp. —-Just looked it up and this is what I found.—- According to the linguists on the interwebs, that’s an Appalachian bit of dialect. Also, my call of sounding like “yinz” like you hear up in PA was correct as it actually is a shortened version of “you-uns” which is a shortening of “you ones”. Y’all has a completely separate etymological origin. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/yall-youuns-yinz-youse-how-regional-dialects-are-fixing-standard-english
  19. You-uns? That sounds awfully close to Yinz.
  20. Jackson is actually closer. For sure takes less time to drive it.
  21. I bet if we got David to unban the OP we’d have that again within the week.


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