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Everything posted by Chucktshoes

  1. I would like to know the names of those places cause that would sho nuff be worth the drive to me as I am out that way fairly often to see family.
  2. For all of your useful info, I think you deserve a cookie....
  3. everywhere i have been in memphis is $40+tics with the exception of Guns & Ammo who want $100.
  4. 5 out of 10 totally an ammo nut test. where's the Sergei Mosin questions? Or the Eugene Stoner questions? Hell, why in God's green earth wasn't there a question about John Browning?????
  5. It is the same image digitally reversed that's why the flag appears backward in one pic and there are slight variances in color.
  6. I think i might have gotten a little carried away there, hehe but i got plenty more.
  7. Mine wasn't on there. I don't have any of my stuff from then
  8. This should be the next Voltron incarnation
  9. the random thoughts thread on one of my other boards has nearly 28000 posts. I love these threads. I wish i was this cool.
  10. Any updates on this? Anyone got a spot picked out?
  11. DEAL! FA, hells yeah. Range USA is where I go to shoot as well. Nicest folks I have dealt with at a range in this city. The wife and I are actually walking to MPC for dinner tonight, lolz
  12. Overnight Manager at Walgreens. Decent pay, Decent benefits, Low stress.
  13. ^ Well considering it isn't my story but one of those things you find on "the internets" I won't be serving penance for that incident, however my wife has an inch thick file on the other stupid crap i've pulled. -> Todd@CIS I read that same manual when I was stationed @ Cannon AFB, and you know, I remember a corollary to it where if you tie up your own digestive tract that bad and she smells it, you ain't getting any either.
  14. There has to be some special designation for the district as Beale does operate by a different set of rules in regards to liquor sales as well. The entire street is considered an open bar as there are open sales and consumption on the street. Also, sales continue past 3 am and some nights continue until 5 or 6 am.
  15. Yeah we are close, I live at the corner of Madison and Rembert by the Quick Check. It is nice not having to take car everywhere, isn't it?
  16. Wjh, first off I would like to apologize for the tone of my previous post. When I made it I was light on sleep and a bit crabby. I am going to pass by the comment regarding your age compared to my youth since I started the combative exchange. On to point: Although I am very conservative in some ways, I would be considered liberal in others, I tend to trend towards Libertarian in general but even that is a poor description. I did not mean to imply that if you weren't far right you were one of the sheeple. I was referencing what appeared to me in your previous post to be a narrow view of what could be called conservative. Groupthink whether left, right or center is bad. If I were to say that far right is the only way I would be guilty of the same sheeple mentality I abhor. As far as the GOP, in my opinion they are no better than the Dems. Somewhere in the last 40 years the GOP became a bunch of big gov't New Deal Democrats while the Democrats became just plain out socialists. Both parties want control of not just the money but our lives. They just use different wedge issues to get votes. As long as we are stuck in a two party system we are all screwed. /soap box As far as ceding areas of town or certain types of activities being inherently more liberal, I reject that thesis. Now if the activities are things like burning flags, marching for commie causes or gay sex, well ok, I'll give ya those. Going out for a show or a few drinks, I think most folks like to do that regardless of ideology. I belive that through building relationships and the exchange of ideas that is how you change hearts and minds. I refuse to cede any area of the city I live in and love to any group and run for the burbs and hole up waiting for the "other" (whatever that other happens to be) to cme into my bubble forcing me to move even further out. I can't do any good changing Memphis from the sidelines. There will always be pushback, my role is to stand firm where I am.
  17. Not true, TN does not differentiate between bars and restaurants.
  18. Funnay! MRE dinner date The following is apparently a true story.... told from the point of view of a young Marine. . . . . . . . . . . I had a date the other night at my place. On the phone the day before, the girl asked me to "Cook her something she's never had before" for dinner. After many minutes of scratching my head over what to make, I finally settled on something she has DEFINITELY never eaten. I got out my trusty case of MRE's. Meal, Ready-to-Eat, field rations that when eaten in their entirety contain 3000+ calories. Here's what I made: I took three of the Ham Slices out of their plastic packets, took out three of the Pork Chops, three packets of Chicken-a-la- King, and eight packets of dehydrated butter noodles and some dehydrated/rehydrated rice. I cooked the Ham Slices and Pork Chops in one pan, sautéed in shaved garlic and olive oil. In another pot, I blended the Chicken a-la-king, noodles, and rice together to make a sort of mush that looked suspiciously like succotash. I added some spices, and blended everything together in a glass pan that I then cooked in the oven for about 35 minutes at 450 degrees. When I took it out, it looked like, well, ham slices, pork chops, and a bed of yellow poop. I covered the tops of the meat in the MRE cheese (kinda like Velveeta) and added some green sprinkly things from one of my spice cans (hey, if it's got green sprinkly things on it, it looks fancy right?) For dessert, I took four Pound Cakes, mashed 'em up, added five packets of cocoa powder, powdered coffee cream, and some water. I heated it up and stirred it until it looked like a sort of chunky gelatinous organism, and I sprinkled powdered sugar on top of it. Voila - Ranger Pudding. For alcoholic drinks, I took the rest of my bottle of Military Special Vodka (yes, they DO make a type of liquor named 'Military Special' - it sells for $4.35 per fifth at the Package Store) and mixed in four packets of 'Electrolytes - 1 each - Cherry flavored' (I swear, the packet says that). It looked like an eerie kool-aid with sparkles in it (that was the electrolytes I guess... could've been leftover sand from Iraq for all I know). I lit two candles, put a vase of wildflowers in the middle, and set the table with my best set of Ralph Lauren Academy-series China (that **** is EXPENSIVE... my set of 8 place settings cost me over $600 on sale at the Lejeune PX and put the alcoholic drink in a crystal wine decanter. My date came over, and I had some appetizers already made, of MRE spaghetti-with-meatballs, set in small cups. She saw the dinner, saw the food, and said "This looks INCREDIBLE!!!" We dug in, and she was loving the food. Throughout the meal, she kept asking me how long it took me to make it, and kept remarking that I obviously knew a thing or two about cooking fine meals. She kind of balked at the makeshift 'wine' I had set out, but after she tried it I guess she liked it because she drank four glasses during dinner. At the end of the main course, when I served the dessert, she squealed with delight at the 'Chocolate mousse' I had made. Huh? Chocolate what? Okay... yeah... its Chocolate Moose. Took me HOURS to make... yup. Later on, as we were watching a movie, she excused herself to use my rest room. While she was in there, I heard her say softly to herself 'uh oh' and a resounding but petite fart punctuated her utterance of dismay. Let the games begin. She sprayed about half a can of air freshener (Air Freshener, 1 each, Orange scent. Yup. The military even makes smell-good) and returned to the couch, this time with an obvious pained look. After 10 more minutes she excused herself again, and retreated to the bathroom for the second time, I could hear her say 'What the h3ll is WRONG with me?' as she again sent flatulent shock waves into the porcelain bowl. This time, they sounded kinda wet, and I heard the toilet paper roll being employed, and again, LOTS more air freshener! Back to the couch. She smiles meekly as she decides to sit on the chair instead of next to me. She sits on my chair, knees pulled up to her chest, kind of rocking back and forth slightly. Suddenly, without a word, she ROCKETED up and FLEW to the bathroom, slammed the door, and didn't come out for 30 minutes. I turned the movie up because I didn't want her to hear me laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my cheeks. She came out with a slightly gray pallor to her face, and said "I am SOOOOOO sorry. I have NO idea what is wrong with me. I am so embarrassed; I can't believe I keep running to your bathroom!!" I gave her an Imodium AD, and she finally settled down and relaxed. Later on, she asked me again wha t I had made for dinner, because she had enjoyed it so much. I calmly took her into the kitchen and showed her all the used MRE bags and packets in the trash can. After explaining to her that she had eaten roughly 9,000 calories of 'Marine Corps Field Rations' she turned stark white, looked at me incredulously, and said "I ate 9,000 calories of dehydrated food that was made 3 years ago?" After I rogered, she grabbed her coat and keys, and took off without a word. She called me yesterday. Seems she couldn't crap for 5 days, and when she finally did, the smell was so bad, her roommate could smell it from down the hall. She also told me she had been working out nonstop to combat the high caloric intake, and that she never wanted me to cook dinner for her again, unless she was PERSONALLY there to inspect the food beforehand. It was a fun date! She laughed about it eventually and said that that was the first time she'd ever crapped in a guy's house on a date. She'd been so upset by it she was in tears in the bathroom while I had been in tears on the couch. I know... I'm an a$$hole, but it was still a funny night! Semper-Fi
  19. I've gotten that question quite a few times (got a lead foot:shrug:)
  20. That's a pretty narrow definition of conservative you have there. Are you sure you aren't a proponent of group think as long as it is your approved version? BA-A-A-A-A!


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