The constitution grants no rights to the citizens of this country. It only acknowledges that which they already possess merely by breathing. When the very government that is supposed to protect those rights and liberties sees fit to trample over them, it makes itself an enemy of the people and of the constitution it is supposed to follow. I don't know whether you just still think there is hope of righting the ship at the ballot box, or if you have the oath you took to the constitution confused with loyalty to the government. I would posit that both positions are incorrect.
Let me be perfectly clear here. The federal government has become an enemy of the constitution and an enemy of the people it is supposed to protect and defend. At this point, the people of this country are well justified in using whatever means are at their disposal (including just shooting the bastards) to dissolve the current bonds and form new ones.
This divide isn't about Republican or Democrat or who wins an election. This is about the being on the side of liberty or tyranny and the federal government has firmly come down on the side of tyranny.