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Everything posted by LangdoniousRex

  1. Find the Oliver Anthony lookalike and you'll be in the right spot
  2. Yeah I've got sports cars to enjoy the roads with until all my vehicles and stuff get moved out here. @gun sane @FUJIMO @AuEagle @Sleep profit @itw69fxst I'm making my monthly trip to Knoxville next Saturday the 15th. There is a Texas Roadhouse across from West Town Mall and a block away is Smoky's Cigars. We can start hitting the dead cow at noon and go from there.
  3. Everyone here smoke cigars? A lunch and a smoke would be a solid social outing.
  4. @btq96r Just noticed Taurus has a rebate deal going now where they offer 3 free mags with a TX22 purchase now until 07/31/2024 plus PSA has one with a bronze slide for $229.99 Taurus TX 22 Triple Mag Mania Rebate
  5. @gun sane it gobbles up subsonic all the same as well which is quite impressive
  6. @TripleGGG You might as well be NE Chattanooga as far as I'm considered
  7. Super tempting considering my name is written all over it
  8. Taurus TX22. They just released their revised TORO version. I like it far better than my Sig P322 and it's cheaper.
  9. Seems like this thread could use a bump. Also it seems many people aren't educated on navigating this regional section which is the likely contributor to the low member count of this particular region. Either way, popped in here to represent. There is talk of a TGO get-together in this region in other parts of the forum but no traction thus far.
  10. Occasionally threads pop up about this topic but nothing seems to come of them. Unless there are small groups meeting in secret, I don't know of anyone from here actually getting together outside of the rectangular portal world. I'm up for meeting people in, what is believed to be, the real world. My two wheeled transport is in storage far away so I'm more of a cager these days. Getting together for a chin wag over dead cow interests me.
  11. ammoseek.com, sort by conditional free/free shipping. there is also a good thread on this topic in the Ammo section to help avoid sales tax and get free shipping at the same time. Online ammo pricing trends
  12. If anyone wants a 22WMR lever action on a budget, I stumbled upon this for $246.61: Rossi Rio Bravo Lever Action Rifle - Black | .22 WMR | 20" Barrel | 12rd | Synthetic Stock & Forend
  13. $13/hr and up to $13/hr are not the same thing. In nearby KY, McDonalds is advertising up to $10/hr. That top end isn't really that far above minimum.
  14. There absolutely are still minimum wage jobs filled currently. Fast food jobs for high school kids and young adults that still live at home, which is a significant amount of people. Food service, in general, still employs people at minimum wage. It's easy to forget there are plenty of people that are supported by others that don't have to solely rely on their paycheck to survive, especially in more rural areas where local job opportunities are limited. There are more than just big cities with dense populations of adults fighting to stay afloat. When you have businesses in those parts full of people and you still can't fill those positions even as you increase the pay, it's not a minimum wage issue, it's a people issue. When primary schools turned into hardcore indoctrination camps, they forgot that they still needed to create worker bees in the process. That said, here we are.
  15. With so many pro-2A organizations out there begging for money, it's hard to decipher which one is actually going to utilize my donation to the fullest versus take my money to pad their bloated salaries and continue LARPing to sustain their grift.
  16. This is a knee jerk reaction to the stagflation we are experiencing currently. Home prices in combination with ~7% interest make them unaffordable for many, even with this zero down assistance program. Average home price is roughly $360k, making the PITI monthly payment in the ballpark of $3000/month. The average household can't afford that even with this assistance program. This program from UWM is mimicking the program FHA currently has. Many states are desperate to get back some of the real estate tax revenue they've been losing so, like they always do, they've concocted another scheme to attempt to stop the hemorrhaging but it's too little too late. Besides the loss of the tax revenue, the mortgage industry is falling since homes aren't selling and many purchases that are still happening these days are all cash. The housing market is in for some significant turbulence and everyone that still has a few brain cells to rub together can see the writing on the wall. The harder realtors lie and the more data that is outright manipulated is proof enough they are scared to death of the impending doom.
  17. Those folks believe they are entitled to a better outcome just because and when that imaginary outcome doesn't materialize in real life, they cry about it because they've got no other strategy. "in no time" is pretty vague and doesn't manage expectations that well. Many people will read that believe they can go from zero to making six figures in a few months then get upset when it doesn't happen. Yes there are six figure jobs out there that don't require a college education, tech is a great example, but the above average person with above average motivation, it'll still take years to get there if you are just starting out. Equipped with a GED, it took me 20 years in the field to make six figures consistently, many of those years were focused on skill building and experience on the job and less focused on money.
  18. There is a millennial version of Dave Ramsey that does financial audits of mostly Gen Zers. It is absolutely wild to see the genuine sense of entitlement and/or general disconnect from the consequences of poor financial decisions along with pure denial of the obscene hole they've dug themselves into. I'm not promoting the guy by any means but if you listen to a couple of episodes and filter out the manufactured drama, they give you a real insight into the headspace of an average young adult these days. Millennial Dave Ramsey
  19. Navigating the current legal landscape and understanding the responsibility of carrying a permit IS the training. The shooting test is as basic as basic can be. Not much different than getting a driver's license. The written test takes the most time and study. The driving test is a basic skills assessment. Once you have acquired said license, you have the freedom to improve your skills on your own time. Put miles down, put lead down range. Same, same.
  20. The complainers complain perpetually. Those with the loudest voices have little to say, anyways. Social worker and CNA are both skilled jobs and should be commensurate to their skill and training and its painfully unfortunate that they aren't. People tend to have the idea that raising the minimum wage automatically implies that all jobs get a bump in the process, which is wholly inaccurate. In reality, it makes it harder on skilled laborers making just above minimum to 2x minimum wage as those costs always get passed onto the consumer. Effectively the lower skilled are pulling the moderately skilled down closer to their level which breeds more discontent for the system in general. Generation agnostic, those that employ a combination of working harder and smarter will get compensated appropriately. The rest can cry about how unfair the world is on social media and feed each other copium in the meantime.
  21. For something that appears to be designed and made in the USA, $299 isn't bad. It's a far cry from a $1600 50BMG 20 round drum mag.
  22. The world has changed a lot since the 1950s. That world no longer exists and while people continue to cling to the past, it's exactly that; in the past. The US population has more than doubled since then so there will naturally more competition just by headcount alone. All of this comes back to minimum wage for minimum skill. Despite what a lot of people say, this is still the land of opportunity. Ask any first generation legal immigrant. When they started, they'd take any job, likely minimum wage or less, but many of them took any opportunity to improve their situation financially. They never been worried about minimum wage because they are focused on working upwards, not sitting on their asses begging for the government to force their employer to give them a raise. AI is only disrupting these minimum wage jobs for the near term. Between that and the kiosks setup for video conferencing overseas outsourced labor, that $15/hr isn't all helpful when you've priced yourself out of the market and out of a job.


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