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Everything posted by AH1356

  1. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host a USPSA match next weekend, 11 & 12 February, in Dickson. 4 stages plus a classifier, 112 rounds total. There is something for everyone here: lots of movement & steel, some close targets to hose and an optional mini popper at 65+ yards for a time bonus. The stage diagrams will be up soon. Click here for directions to the range or here for club info, or post here or PM me with questions. Cheers, Aaron
  2. Get in touch with Tim Calhoun at Calhoun Custom Firearms Tim builds and works on 1911's and 2011's for competition and carry. He built the 6-inch limited gun in my avatar picture and made my 9mm STI Trojan run 100%. Obviously I'm biased because he is a good friend, but there is no way I would let anyone else near my 1911's. He isn't based in Memphis (Kingston Springs about 30 miles west of Nashville), but he gets there to shoot with MSSA now and then, and of course shipping is an option. Give him a call. You won't be disappointed. Aaron
  3. AH1356

    1911 9mm mags

    I have heard good things about the Cobra mags but I have never used them myself. I don't use Wilsons because I dislike Tripps. I use Wilsons because I bought one and and it worked perfectly, so I bought more. The honest answer is that nobody can tell you what will work in your gun. 9mm 1911's can be very picky about mags, bullet shape, round length, and extractors. My Trojan runs perfectly with my load (Montana Gold CMJ's @ 1.16 OAL), Wilson ETM's, and an Aftec extractor. But you can't extrapolate from my experience. You'll just have to experiment with your gun. Either the Tripp mag or the Wilson ETM is a good place to start. Buy one (or both) and see if it works for you. Also, regardless of mags, count on hollow points to feed less reliably than round nose bullets in general.
  4. AH1356

    1911 9mm mags

    I have 6 10-round Wilson ETM's for my 9mm STI Trojan. They are 100% reliable, but they sit slightly high so check your ejector before slamming one home at slide lock. You may need to remove material on the underside of the ejector. The springs will be very tight when new. I clip 1 or 2 coils off the springs for easier reloading and I have no issues.
  5. Chandler - The classifier match is in March. We typically have no classifier at the February match and 4 at the March match. We have one classifier and 4 other great stages this weekend, so come on out. AH
  6. Stages for pistol: Classifier: .
  7. Thanks to everyone who helped with setup. We will have 4 stages plus a classifier for around 120 rounds. Stages will be posted soon.
  8. 2nd gun start time depends on turnout, round count, weather, and 1st gun start time. Tough to guess exactly, but if you're there by noon you probably won't be late.
  9. All, the North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our first USPSA match of the year on Saturday & Sunday January 14th & 15th. Registration opens at 8:00 both days with first shots at 9:00. Stages will be posted once they are finalized. If your New Years resolutions involve more speed and accuracy then this is a great way to keep them. If your resolutions don't involve speed and accuracy this is a great way to ignore them ;-) Click for club info or directions to the range. DVC, Aaron
  10. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Classifier: Stage 5
  11. All, the North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our last USPSA match of the year on Saturday & Sunday December 10th & 11th. Registration opens at 8:00 both days with first shots at 9:00. Stages will be posted next week after they are finalized. Way more fun than Christmas shopping. Click for club info or directions to the range. See you there.
  12. Looks like great fall weather this weekend. Come out & join us.
  13. Lots more info here: NTPS Home Page Registration opens at 8:00 both days, shooters meeting 8:45, first shot at 9:00. DVC, Aaron
  14. Tim Calhoun put a new barrel in my 1911 and it fit as well as or better than the original barrel. And when I say "the original barrel," I'm not talking about some loose factory stock gun. This is a full custom high capacity competition gun built by a big name gunsmith who builds guns for world champions. Tim's web site is still under construction and his business is fairly new, but he has been working on 1911's and 2011's for a long time and he knows his stuff. I have handled the 6-in limited gun on his front page, and it is amazing. Give him a call. www.calhouncustomfirearms.com.
  15. Definitely a good time. Thanks for putting this on.
  16. I did read the COF but one requires concealment and one mandates low cover so I wasn't sure. As for understanding the sequence-priority thing, maybe I'm a slow learner. Good thing I'm a reasonably quick shooter... ;-)
  17. So are zombies governed by IDPA rules or "run & gun" rules? Translation: can I bring my race rig, drop mags on the ground, and not have to be reminded before every stage what the difference is between tactical sequence and tactical priority?
  18. Thie North Tennessee Practical Shoooters will host a uspsa match this coming weekend in Dickson. Here is a link to the stages: NTPS Club Bulletin Board :: View topic - JULY MATCH to club info: NTPS Club Information
  19. Randy, This will be a memorable first match - steel matches are always fun and very challenging. Here are some short answers. Other than that, I'd plan to arrive 8:00ish and look for Brian Smith. He's the match director. Here's the link for general club information: NTPS Club Information How many mags? There is a stage with 32 pieces of steel. The short answer is you need enough mags to hold enough rounds to knock down 32 pieces of steel. How many mags that is is a function of your gun, your accuracy, etc. The match itself will probably end sometime between noon and 1:00, but that's a guess. After that we'll have a "head to head shootoff" which will probably take another hour. Caliber: 9mm/.38 and up, handgun only of course, and I doubt this will be an issue but no steel core bullets.
  20. A couple of videos from last year's steel match: The required order on this one was Red-White-Blue. You'd think that would be easy to remember but this stage gave people fits. Moving no-shoot and non-falling steel. This will be a fun and challenging match. Not to be missed.
  21. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host a Steel Match on Sunday, June 26 in Dickson. The match will generally follow USPSA rules and scoring, but all targets are steel and there will be twists like time-off bonus shots and mulligans. This is definitely not a match to miss. After the match we will have a "king of the hill" head to head showdown in double elimination format. The match will be 5 or 6 stages and around 150 rounds, plus the shoot-off. Registration opens around 8:00 with first shots fired around 9:00. Here is a link to info on the match, and to general club info, range directions, etc.
  22. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host a USPSA match on June 11 & 12 in Dickson. 6 stages, 141 rounds, 1 classifier (CM99-22). Stage diagrams are posted here. Registration opens at 8:00, shooters meeting at 8:45. It will be warm. Bring plenty of water and sun screen. See you there! Here is a link to our club information page: NTPS Club Information
  23. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host a USPSA match on May 14th & 15th in Dickson. 6 stages, 145 rounds, 1 classifier (99-41). Stage diagrams posted when they are available. Registration opens at 8:00, shooters meeting at 8:45. Here is a link to our club information page: NTPS Club Information
  24. The stages and the weather both look great. Should be a really good match. See you at the range.
  25. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host a USPSA match on April 9th & 10th in Dickson. Info on stages to follow. Registration opens at 8:00, shooters meeting at 8:45. Here is a link to our club information page: NTPS Club Information


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