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Everything posted by AH1356

  1. Stages for this weekend: [/url]
  2. Same match, 4 different opportunities to shoot. We shoot both days, two sessions each day. You can shoot either day or both, either session or both. You can shoot the match multiple times with multiple guns, or with the same gun in different divisions, or the same gun once for score then more for fun. This is a fairly unique setup. Most other clubs shoot once and you're done. Our approach gives us flexibility and lets us shoot more. Schedule both days is registration opens at 8:00, shooters meeting at 8:45, first shots 9:00ish. Second session begins roughly an hour after the first session ends, generally 12:30ish, depending on number of shooters, round count, and many other variables. If you plan to shoot second session only, it's better to show up early just in case the first session finishes early.
  3. We set up 5 stages and a classifier today (CM06-04). Total round count will be 107. I'll post stage diagrams when we have them.
  4. I shot my first NTPS match with a 9mm STI Trojan. It is perfect for single stack division. Your Spartan is great too. It is also technically legal in 3 other divisions (Limited, Limited-10, and Open), so if you want to shoot twice for score in one day you are welcome to do so. You'll need more mags for this game than for IDPA. I start with 5 for a 32-round stage. If you need extras just let me know and I'll bring some of mine for you to borrow.
  5. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our monthly USPSA match on the 11th & 12th of August in Dickson. Stage diagrams will be posted some time next week. Plan on 120ish rounds, with lots of variety in stage design. Registration will open 8:00ish both days, shooters meeting at 8:45, first shots at 9:00. More info at our web site: www.ntps.org See you at the range, Aaron
  6. Stages as they currently stand. Minor tweaks possible.
  7. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our monthly USPSA match in Dickson on the 14th & 15th of July. Registration will open at 8:00, shooters meeting at 8:45, first shot at 9:00. Second session will start around 1:00 each day, depending on when the first session ends. Stages will be posted soon. Should be a fun and challenging match with lots of steel and moving targets. Roughly 125 rounds plus as many misses as you want to shoot for bonus time. Maps, info, etc. here on our web site: www.NTPS.org Post or PM questions if you have any. See you at the range, Aaron
  8. Shot like crap and still had a blast. Seriously - when was the last time you saw a bay set up with 2 Texas stars, 2 Polish plate racks, and 2 6-plate racks? If you missed this match you missed a lot of fun.
  9. Yup - Tim did it again. How many gunsmiths do you know who will let a guy design something this complicated, then let him "help" him cut it (watch over his shoulder). Tim is the man. And if you think it looks good, you should feel the slide-frame fit and the barrel-slide lockup. Come check it out tomorrow at the USPSA match in Dickson. I'll be the guy in the "Calhoun Custom Firearms" jersey with a $*#)-eating grin...
  10. How about USPSA this weekend (9&10 June) and every second weekend in Dickson hosted by North Tennessee Practical Shooters. www.NTPS.org We shoot morning and afternoon sessions both days so you can shoot 4 times if you want. TGO thread about this weekend's match here
  11. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our June match this weekend in Dickson. 6 atages, 144 rounds. Stages will be posted here: http://ntps.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1666 Club info, range directions, etc. are here: http://ntps.org/clubinfo.htm Bring water & sunscreen - it's going to be warm... DVC, Aaron
  12. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our next monthly match on 12 & 13 May in Dickson. Setup will be Saturday May 5th at 8:00 and any help would be appreciated. Stages will be posted when they are complete, but the match should be 6 or 7 stages including a classifier with roughly 120-150 rounds. More info at the links below: http://ntps.org/ http://ntps.org/clubinfo.htm
  13. Not that I am aware of. If you want to help set up stages that lend themselves to side matches, setup is always the Saturday morning before the match.
  14. Stages posted here: http://ntps.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5903#5903
  15. What better way to spend tax day? Stages will be posted when we have them. www.NTPS.org
  16. Stages are posted here: http://ntps.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1648 4 classifiers plus 2 regular stages (both with a Texas star!)
  17. We will use the following 4 classifiers on the 10th & 11th, plus 2 regular stages. Those stage diagrams plus a final round count will be posted soon. Roughly 120 rounds for the match. Should be a good one - interesting range of classifiers plus 2 challending stages. http://www.uspsa.org/classifiers/06-03.pdf http://www.uspsa.org/classifiers/09-02.pdf http://www.uspsa.org/classifiers/06-10.pdf http://www.uspsa.org/classifiers/08-06.pdf
  18. North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our annual classifier match on 10 & 11 March in Dickson. There will be 4 classifier stages and probably 2 regular stages. www.ntps.org for maps and more info.
  19. As Tim said, spectators are welcome. Just be sure to bring eye and ear protection.
  20. I'd give Tim Calhoun a call. He's in Kingston Springs, and he built the pistol in my avatar picture. www.calhouncustomfirearms.com
  21. PM away - but I'm on the road until Friday so be patient if I'm slow to reply. If you want a faster (and more informed) reply, Tim is your guy.
  22. ^^ Tim beat me to it. He built the gun in my avatar, and he is another one who is generous with his helpful advice.
  23. "So if I've never done this before, this would be my quailifer right?" I assume your question is referencing the "qualifier match" concept from IDPA. USPSA does not do this, and instead calculates shooters' ranking (called "classification") using scores from multiple classifier stages. The process is similar to calculating a golf handicap based on multiple rounds at multiple courses. If you are a USPSA member, then your score on the classifier stage will be used to calculate your classification. The process and math for this is too detailed to describe here, but can be found in the USPSA rulebook or in their new shooter info here. If you are not a USPSA member then you just shoot the classifier stage for fun. If you are planning to join USPSA and you are interested in getting your initial classification, then your timing is excellent. We will host our annual "Classifier match" with 4 different classifier stages next month. "Would I be shooting along side the pros or in a separate group?" Pros? Unlikely - if you mean people who literally shoot for a living. Will you shoot with people who are likely to be among the fastest pistol shooters you have ever seen in person? Yup. We are lucky in this club to have some seriously talented shooters. We are luckier still that this is a welcoming, inclusive bunch, eager to share their knowledge with anyone who is safe. We have a few new shooters who show up and are intimidated and don't come back. But we have more who show up, are a little intimidated at first, and get hooked. We always mix squads up with shooters in different divisions and skill levels. Show up early, introduce yourself, and ask lots of questions. Look for me (I'll be wearing the gun in my avatar) or Brad (who will be running registration). Aaron
  24. It's a 65 yard MINI popper. And why do you just automatically assume it was my idea? ;-) Just pull the trigger when the front sight blade completely obscures the target. Or not - it's optional. Bring your 6-inch Benny gun. Being 1 inch closer to target the makes all the difference.
  25. Stages for next weekend. Should be a good challenge.


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