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Everything posted by AH1356

  1. I'm sorry - but this is simply absurd. In what universe is this welcoming to new shooters??
  2. But when I shoot single stack a "half full" mag is only 4 rounds. Besides, my Limited gun with 20-round mags is my EDC ;-)
  3.   Come on in.  The water's fine.  There is nothing quite so refreshing as dropping a half full magazine on the move without cover or a vest.
  4. Yup. Fun match. Thanks to those who set it up.
  5. The weather looks like it is cooperating.  Should be a great weekend.   Cheers, Aaron
  6. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our June match next weekend 8&9 June in Dickson.  5 fun and challenging stages, 112 rounds.  Registration opens at 8 both days with first shots fired at 9ish.   More info here:  http://ntps.org/clubinfo.htm   DVC, Aaron
  7. I learned two things yesterday: 1 - That skinny thing on the front of my gun tells me where the bullet will go, but only if I actually look at it, and 2 - A minute in penalties on a single stage does bad things to an aggregate time.
  8. Stage 6 will likely be updated to include only 1 string and be a bit more Revolver / Production / Single Stack neutral.
  9. The North Tennessee Practical Shooters will host our monthly USPSA match next weekend, 11 & 12 May, in Dickson. We have 6 stages, 130 rounds, including the classifier CM 99-10 Registration opens both days at 8:00. More info here: http://ntps.org/clubinfo.htm Cheers, Aaron Stages are as follows:
  10. Fun match. Thanks to everyone who made it happen.
  11. I would have Tim Calhoun build you one from the ground up.  That way you have 2 guns when you're done (more is better), and one of them is exactly what you want.   Tim has built 2 guns for me, and worked on 2 others.  I shoot his guns in competition and he is a good friend so I am biased, but I won't let anybody but Tim touch my 1911's.    Tim will tell you that accuracy is more about the fit of the slide, barrel, and bushing (if applicable) than slide-frame fit.  A gun can have a little wobble between the slide and frame and still be very accurate.  As for reliability, a poorly fit gun can be tight but unreliable.  Tim can fit a gun as tight as you want.  If it starts out extremely tight it will need a break-in period, but after a couple hundred rounds if you feed it good ammo from good mags it will be 100% reliable.  I have between 2,500 and 3,000 rounds on my newest single stack gun.  I'm still waiting for a failure of any kind.  
  12. No issues at all. In fact it's a great way to start with uspsa.   ** I should point out that your classifier scores will only count towards a USPSA classification if you are a USPSA member.
  13. Stages are posted. Classifiers are 09-09, 03-05, 99-28, and 99-60, all of which are available here: http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-classifier-list.php
  14. 3 of the 4 classifiers use shooting boxes and require no movement.  At a minimum, you should be able to shoot these easily.  Others might require some creativity, but we will figure something out.  Hope to see you out there.
  15. Big thanks to the setup crew today.  We will have 6 stages for a total of 103 rounds.  The classifiers are CM 09-09, CM 03-05, CM 99-28, and CM 99-60.   See you next weekend, Aaron
  16. Setup is tomorrow AM starting 8:00ish.
  17. Just to be contrarian, here is one of my 5 1911's.  All of them have front cocking serrations.  This is a game gun, and in my opinion FCS are essential for a game gun.    I'll bet anybody who doesn't like the front serrations is going to just LOVE the double undercut square trigger guard and my initials carved in as the rear serrations...   Enjoy:   http://www.calhouncustomfirearms.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/IMG_0539.jpg
  18. ^^  Again, what he said.   By the way, did anybody find a front sight up there after the match?  I think mine is missing, but I can't remember where & when I last saw it...
  19. Want to get classified or try to move up a class?  Here's your chance:   The North Tennessee Pracitcal Shooters' April match will be a special classifier match.  We will have 4 classifiers and 1 or 2 regular stages.  As always, setup will be the Saturday morning before the match (April 6th), and those who help with setup are welcome to practice afterwards.   With 2 sessions each over 2 days, you could get a new or updated classification in 4 different divisions in a weekend.   More info here:  http://ntps.org/clubinfo.htm   Cheers, Aaron
  20. Results are posted here:   http://ntps.org/2013%20Match%20Results/Mar/index.html   See you in April for our Classifier match (4 classifiers TBD, plus 1 or 2 regular stages)
  21. If you're planning to shoot Sunday, don't forget the time change!   Cheers, Aaron
  22. Stages for next weekend: Registration opens both days at 8:00, first shots 9:00ish. So far the weather looks great.
  23. We will have 5 stages plus a classifier (09-03) for a total of 124 rounds minimum plus as many misses as you like ;-) Stage diagrams will be posted when they are ready. It's going to be a fun match with a lots of variety - close and fast hoser arrays, long tight shots, lots of movement - fun for the whole family. Big thanks to the setup crew! See you next weekend, and if you shoot Sunday don't forget to adjust your clocks for daylight savings time.


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