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About DaveG0811

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  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P320 M18
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Stealth arms platypus

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  1. Needing help finding someone in the Nashville area who can cut and re-thread my scar 17 16inch barrel down to 13 inches. I already have the gas jets on hand just needing someone who can do the job.
  2. I 100% would start with the geissele trigger. I’d also look into an adjustable gas knob, the KNS discarder is one I went with and you can adjust your settings from 1-13 which helps tuning to your preference. I’d look into PMM as well, they make alot of scar related products that I personally went with and can say make it a way better shooting experience. Optics wise I can’t really give you a preference because the scar does shred optics but if you tune and get a good mount you should be good to go.
  3. Hey everyone, I am on the hunt for a Belgium Scar 17 in FDE and am looking in the Nashville/ Murfreesboro area. If you have one and are wanting to sell it please feel free to reach out to me and ask for my contact info.
  4. That is a really great deal, wish I was in the market for a 300 BLK rifle but looks like a fantastic setup.
  5. looks good, I got a VR80 setup I would swap if interested.


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