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Everything posted by ir0nreign10

  1. Sounds good Greg Thank you..
  2. Will our classification be updated in the IDPA website...
  3. Sounds good brother, I might have someone take some pictures for us for free on friday and saturday maybe. If I play my card right she will make it happen for the club... When do we see this secretive 12 Stages you have Mike.....
  4. Let's get a role call, Who is all going to our First Sanction Match? One here
  5. Matt, I think you can shave about 10 seconds to get your Master Class. But I am sure you will be shooting SSP Expert that way you can get your Bump at the TN State Match...
  6. Rick its good that you got away with Codi, I know if I get a chance to go out with my wife it is a treat for us. Honestly Rick I like shooting my man bullet gun its all the same on my 9mm and .40 as far as the mag and slide release. Your right as soon as I get use to the recoil and timing I think it will be alright. I felt really strong with the first two stages as you can see the third stage I was just all over as should have slowed it down some more. I was really happy on the times I got Rick I just got to work on my third stage.
  7. I did shoot CDP yesterday Rick, I wanna go ahead and start shooting more CDP. Plus I went ahead and put the Apex Forward Sear Set instead of sending it to Burwell for the trigger work. It was a whole lot of difference. As far as adding my own score for the classifier it will put me to sharpshooter. I am happy with that I figured I need to get use to more recoil than my powder puffs.
  8. It was another good turner out, I would like to Thank all the guys that come out. Group of guys I was shooting was all awesome everyone helped out on pasting targets. I got moved up to the class I need to be in so I was happy with the way I shoot and the man bullet worked just great...
  9. John, Believe or not Expert in SSP is a tough,tough division and class. I thought i was brave to shoot SSP Expert at the Summer Sizzler but I got my ass handed to me. So just take your time in your shooting I think you will know when you are ready to go up a class. I am still shooting ESP as a SS because I know that I am not ready yet to go up a class. And thats why I will be shooting CDP in our up coming Classifier Match. I been putting it off to long on shooting my CDP gun... Allan
  10. I am ready man, Bring it... Allan
  11. But I am sure you will do just fine... Allan
  12. What is the total shooters registered Robert.. Allan
  13. WOW... The weather is going to be awesome this weekend. No precipitation what so ever might need some under armour under my shirt.LOL Let see who else is going to make the KY-TN Regional.... Allan
  14. Awesome man...
  15. This is what a Real American Hero is all about.
  16. I am hoping we would, It everyone liked the Zombie Match they will like the Run and Gun match.
  17. That looks good Mike....
  18. Super Squad is on Chandler...
  19. I will be there myself, stages looking good..
  20. That was an awesome turn out, I am glad that i made it to this one. Seems like in the past I have missed that many people show up at the range. I wanna Thank all the guys that helped out with pasting and taking down stage 1. That is probably the latest I have been at that range but I think it was all worth it. I had lots of fun and thats all it matters...
  21. I knew it, they are coming. I told some people at work but they just laughed at me.
  22. Warren, Where from Dover are you from? I live in Carlisle but I have a Tennessee Ridge address. Allan
  23. Awesome turn out again guys, maybe I just don't need to come out so that way more people will come.
  24. That was different point of view but I likes. Good shooting Greg...


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