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About vettez06

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    Automotive tech


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  1. I'm in Clarksville what's your best price on it
  2. I have a new dp12 never fired with 2 boxes of ammo will include the optic as well 1000 obo may trade depending on what is offered
  3. Brand new never fired desert eagle 50 in box comes with one box of ammo 2200 and a brand new dp12 shotgun never fired either 900 for the dp12 my do trades for Precision rifle or Clarksville tn area meet preferred to member must be a tennessee resident and legally able to buy a gun may trade the desert eagle for a kimber rapide dawn 1911 in 10mm or 45acp or other cool guns also interested in higher end ar10 or? The 50 ae is sold
  4. Very good deal I love my fnx 45
  5. Interested, what part of Tennessee are you in
  6. Definitely more it would fit my fnx 45 tactical really nice, are you pretty firm on price
  7. Nice ver surprised it hasn't sold
  8. Too bad it's not fde
  9. Nice glws


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