LOL, I already used as an adjective somewhere in this thread.
I am way over being mad at this buttface. This is totally entertaining at this point.
I find my self dissapointed when no one has added to this thread and dipstick has not responded..
I do not believe for one minute any of this is true.
But lets keep on keeping on, I am enjoying it a lot.
And for what its worth I called Opry Mills today for spits and giggles. I spoke to a very nice lady who says the mall is properly posted. HAHAHAHAHAHA this guy is full of hooey. I don't know if it is or not, but he has not been doing any of what he says.
and also for whats its worth. If you really want to go armed to a mall that is properly posted. Simply look for the loading dock entrances and enter through on of them. They are not guarded, anyone can walk right on in.
yes you can