if Mark comes home this weekend I will try to go up that way. I need as much notice as possible if this is all going to happen. I would love to go hang out Saturday or Sunday. My wife is pretty cool with all of this stuff too.
I just want to go and shoot. I learn from Mark everytime I am there. So that is my incentive.
now if by chance Mark comes home, and if by chance I am able to go up there I will be happy to bring rifles back to Knoxville. All potential purchasers work out your details through Mark in PM or however. Just be put on notice. If I bring a rifle back for you, and Mark does not get his end of things, I will do whatever it takes to help him collect his dough. (Gerald, you are way exempt from this threat.) I am not being the middleman for Mark to get screwed.
Mark you got a pocket pistol to sell?
aside from this, Can I shoot your M1carbine again if I can come up Mark?