happened to me again today, I am not kidding. Stopped at the 1st TN Bank in Bearden to do my weekly bidness. Rent a cop was standing outside the door. I went in, a moment later here he comes. I do my business with the bank, thank the teller and walk out the door. As I get in the van I look back toward the door and the guard is now outside the building, smiles and nods towards me. WTF??? And I do not use the exact same branch every week, just depends where I am at.
I was not printing, in spite of the "picture" I really do not see myself as looking like a threat. Did I mention the gun was not printing or showing in any way?
FWIW The johnny law I took my class from taught us well. I have never seen anything he taught contradicted here.
PS: rightwinger, that cracked me up, still chuckling here