I am a dumb ass no doubt.
Sorry if my comment stirred up a rats nest. Okay I am not sorry but I am polite sometimes.
I figure i am a fatso because my grandparent lived through and raised families during the great depression. (Which incidently was about a million times worse than this media depression that the savior has cured.) Food was not plentiful on their tables.
I remember my step dad refusing to eat chicken as we grew up because that was the only meat his family could afford, period, for many years. Of course that was if there was meat on the table at all.
Anyway back to my maternal grandparents, who had an awful lot to do with with how I was raised. They preached "clean your plate" You did not leave the table until your plate was clean. They decided on portions. I have no doubt it was to ease their minds that we were being well fed while in their care on weekends and whenever else we were there. My mother also was a colonel in the clean your plate army. They meant well but it did not set me up for success at not being fat.
I was always told I was "big boned" which I know now is a euphimism for FAT.
I suppose this attitude was and is in many families. The country has never known the levels of indulgance that it has today, even in this so called depression. Heck even the welfare recipients have cell phones, internet, cable TV, microwaves, flat screens tv's etc. So it stands to reason that people will over do it with food too.
Of course add that to lazy f*>ckers sitting in front of the TV all day, or in front of a computer monitor instead of activiely participating in life and you have a fat society.
And McDonalds and KFC taste goo, I don't care.
Of course I do get a chuckle out of youngsters and how they see things through unexperienced eyes.
Mother nature might just reach up and bite you when you least expect it in about 15 or 20 more years.