yep another big time had by all. The weather was outstanding, that in itself made it enjoyable to spend the day slinging lead. Got to hang to with some fun people, and had lots of laughs, lots. It doesn't get much better.
Seemed to pretty much be a day dominated by eastern block firearms. I think I saw some Mosin Nagants, a Yugo SKS, a Yugo Mauser, an AK, a Hungarian auto pistol, a Croat XD, are CZ's eastern? Ammo was well represented by Russia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Yugoslavia. There was a mess of USA steel and lead in attendance too.
it is always an occassion when I get to fire a gun I have never shot before. Todays gun was a Carcano rifle, thanks to Motasyco, it was like being in a warehouse, sorta.
Best quote in bad taste while handling the Carcano was " where is the parade?" ( or something to that effect) I ain't telling on who said that. Anyway it is a nice shooter with a smooth action.
We attempted to beat the snot out of a inch thick steel plate, and we had very little success doing so. I counted somewhere around 200 craters on that thing. And no telling how many 22's bounced off of it. Garufa exploded a piece of rebar twice with direct hits at 125 arshins (yards to you capitalists )
I am sure we will do it again sometimes soon.