Good lord man, buy them!
The Mosin Nagant is easily the most affordable milsurp to own and shoot.
Why would you not want a gun that falls under the title of "This kicked the Nazi's ass"?
It shoot a .30 call round, specifically 7.62x54r. You can get 440 rounds to your door for 90 bucks. It is a battle rifle and accurate as any others.
By them cheap and stack them deep.
You won't regret it.
Sorry, forgot to add pricing and model.
91/30 ( it's the longer one) under 90 bucks. Maybe up to 135 at a shop or FFL at a gunshow.
Either round or hex shaped receiver. Year when it was made is basically unimportant. Get a bayonet 'cus it looks cool.
This is the one I recommend buying. So i will speak no further on models or prices.
see this thread , good stuff.