since they started building in the hayfield next to us I have slowed down on shooting here. Still do it though. But mostly .22's now with the occasional centerfire handgun. I much prefer a longer distance for shooting centerfire rifles.
I axed one of my neighbors if my shooting was a problem, he said to not worry about it, I was not hurting anything.
Heck one of the hayfield residents has a pool. When they have people over they are making way more noise than I do by shooting guns for a while. Not to mention construction noise and dirt in the air I have had to tolerate.
I also hear gunfire from the sheriffs office all the time. Their training center is not far from here. I also hear other people around me shoot from time to time. So I think it is not all the uncommon to do it.
I think just be reasonable about shooting times, have a safe backstop to stop bullets and you are good to go.