We have been doing the Cub Scout stuff, making our way through the Wolf book. We completed the Bobcat Trail over the weekend so he should be good to go to get his patch for that at the next pack meeting. That pack meeting is a campfire meeting.
He is liking it a lot. Went on a district hike Saturday. It was a Leave No Trace hike. The boys learned about being responsible outdoors and how to act when hiking and such. He had a lot of fun, all the boys seemed to have a ball. He got a patch for participating in it.
There is a district family campout coming up in a month or so, I am planning on taking him for the two nights. And in a few weeks they are gathering for archery and bb gun shooting. He is looking forward to that too.
I PM'd a couple of you BSA vets a few questions, looking forward to what you tell me.