I will always firmly believe action is faster than reaction. No where did anyone say they would going for their gun as soon as one is pointed at them. I assume most of us here who do any amount of training also do mental training. I run scenarios through my head when I practice with my pistol.
A bad guy pulls a gun on me, I am not going for my piece right that second, well maybe, just depends . Sorry if I gave you that impression. Each situation will be different. I will do what I think is best when it happens. A guy demands my wallet, well he is outta luck as I don't carry one. If he says hand over the cash I might reach for it, but if he diverts his eyes at all I am going for my piece. And there is not a lot of space between where I wear my pistol and where most carry their wallet. If I do reach for only cash I am not handing it to him, I am tossing it. Certainly at that point his eyes will divert, then I have the second or two I need.
These thugs we fear are not practiced pistolero's, not that I am either. But I do believe thug criminals do not spend time on a range, or spend time in their woods practicing lateral movement and firing on a target from their back or a knee. In that I have a HUGE advantage.
A lot of guys here train often. Common criminals don't.