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About Forest_Crawler

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  • Location
    Thompson's Station, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Not sure if you are still actively looking for saddle hunting info, but I'd be happy to share or even meet up and let you try out my set-up. I love my gear and would recommend trying before buying if you can.
  2. KIR Ammo or Lucky Gunner always have some great deals and ship fast.
  3. My set up is similar to ones you'll read about here. I have a Golden Rod, a Hornady Rechargeable Gun Safe Dehumidifier, and I toss in a couple large desiccant bags on the bottom. I also run a dehumidifier in the garage. I monitor the humidity with a Lockdown Digital Wireless Hygrometer. Works great.
  4. I've got a Radian on my AR10 and I love it. Performs well and is smooth to operate.
  5. Hi everyone. My name is Al (Albert is too formal) and I'm in Thompson's Station. I've been hunting for 40 years. I mainly archery hunt, but I love to eat venison, so any chance I can fill the freezer, I do! I am into modern firearms, hunting rifles, handguns and reloading. It would be great to meet up with some local folks who love to do the same. Happy to be a part of the community!


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