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Everything posted by DavidCBaker

  1. Today is a Seecamp .32 in my pocket. The elastic in my REI pants is getting worn, and it's the only gun that prevents me from mooning people with these pants.
  2. I shot there a few weeks back. A friend was a member, and he suggested we shoot there. The range is very nice. Good condition, good lighting, good ventilation. The selection of guns is just okay, and if you're not into their brand, which I'm not, the selection is even smaller. They were very nice. The owner fellow was too nice, actually--talked too much, especially about politics. That's not why I go shooting at the range, and it bored me to death. (There's an older fellow at FGS that's doing that now.) I get the feeling that the owner fellow is somewhat of a control freak. Who knows--maybe that keeps him safe and all, but he was being very unkind to a younger woman on staff (daughter? daughter in law? I don't know), and the rules and regs on the range are a little oppressive. Very expensive, overall, especially compared to OnTarget's range. Lots better shape, too, of course. Maybe there's a connection. Very nice place, but I wouldn't regularly patronize it given the other options.
  3. Hey, Pete. Welcome. What part of Canada? I do a lot of work there. In BC last week and ON in a few weeks. You made a wise decision making your way here before we annex Canada. We'll be easier on you who don't resist. J/K!
  4. Speaking of what to bring, I think I'll only bring long guns. The current plan is: Steyr Mannlicher Scout .308 w/ Leupold FX-II 2.5x28 IER Scout Scope Savage 12 Long-Range Precision Varmint Dual .204 Ruger w/ Leupold VX3L 6.5-20x56 I can bring a PS-90 if anybody has a hankering to shoot one.
  5. If it's inlaws, shouldn't you leave the vote as is?
  6. I've seen some 232 models with Made in Germany, and others in the US. Anybody know what the story is?
  7. That's outstanding!
  8. They are only interested if it mandates that every individual has insurance. It spreads the client base on a mandatory basis. They're exchanging that for their ability to pick and choose. They know that sucking at the government teat will be an endless source of gold. AND, they know they can do things more effectively than a public-funded option that competes with them.
  9. I don't understand it, but I have the ability to walk up to most any dog, even one that's known to be vicious, and pet it and calm it down. I had it even as a kid, but it was perfected when I was reading meters one summer for a major utility in Indiana, house to house. The deadbeats would chain their mean dogs to the meter so that we'd skip the house. Screw that--I always read them anyway and made friends with the dog and pissed off the owner. The only time I couldn't "tame" a dog was at a camp one time. For some reason, a German Shepherd went nuts when it saw me walking by. She broke her chain and went after me. I didn't even try to calm her, but went straight to a roll so that she couldn't get my neck. Eventually someone came by with a baseball bat and fought her off. That sent me to the hospital for some could ol' juicy bites on my thigh, but there is something about the German Shepherd breed, I think. I had a huge one as a boy, but some of them can be a little psycho. I've never had trouble with pit bulls or anything else. I'm a huge dog lover, too--maybe that's it. But if I did see one attacking or getting ready to attack a person, I would kill it if needed. My niece got attacked by a dog that she'd been around for years (a neighbor), while swimming in their pool. It darn near ripped her face off and she had several plastic surgeries to repair it. Believe it or not, it was one of those big-puppy Labradors! Dogs are no more predictable than people, but it dismays me to hear of humans who are quick to shoot, just like they seem to be quick to escalate any human interaction.
  10. That's my perspective as well. Afghanistan will be what Iraq already is in the public's mind. And maybe it should be. Less than half of all terrorist funding is in any way related to Afghanistan. We could save a lot of lives by fighting this war via the financial transactions side and less compromise with places like Saudi Arabia.
  11. Yeah, I messed up on describing the weight. I have a 204 Ruger (Savage) and I was confusing the two. This was 20-grain stuff.
  12. I didn't get any, actually. Too busy making sure they were shooting safely. It was there first time.
  13. Had a great time introducing three of the four nieces to shooting tonight. My youngest son helped do the teaching (he's good, and very patient). We started them off with a Buckmark 22, and then they each shot the Kahr PM9. They kept wanting to shoot more and did a good job!
  14. It's always good to include citations when you're quoting something. Actually, it's illegal not to.
  15. Welcome, Matt!
  16. It's so that when I get kicked out of the house proper it's not quite so painful.
  17. I was having a little fun with the pictures. That first one is actually flipped 90 degrees. I had it hanging via a cord through the barrel (you can see it out of the muzzle end).
  18. I got them here: MacTec : Karl Nill Grips Sales They would definitely fit your 230, as it's the same model number sold for the 230 or 232.
  19. Yeah, it just feels great. Shoot as good as it looks. I included the last shot to show how great the craftsmanship is: see how the seam is almost invisible.
  20. I thought we looked pretty good. I'm excited about this year.
  21. Isn't that sort of like asking a funeral home director what he thinks would be a fair price for a casket?
  22. It would be nice if they were listed on a website in advance, too, so that people could bring money, do some research, etc.
  23. I hadn't even consider it, really. What's the process?
  24. Thanks--that really does make me feel great.


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