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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by DavidCBaker

  1. Those look really sharp!
  2. I don't know where to start, so I'll just bow out of this after speaking to just one point in your response about your experience in paying less in fees than an insurance plan would have paid. I don't doubt your experience at all, but that's not typical, as I mentioned earlier. The most basic research confirms that. The first three hits I got in Google: Office of the Illinois Attorney General - Madigan Legislation To Reduce Hospital Charges for Uninsured Hospitals Charge Uninsured and ?Self-Pay? Patients More than Double What Insured Patients Pay Chicago Hospital Sued for Overcharging Uninsured Patient: Illinois Appellate Court Upholds Hospital's Right to Charge Different Rates :: Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog Have a great weekend. I just got back from two hours at the range and had a lot more fun shooting than I'm having arguing.
  3. I was talking about "we" as humans. It wasn't meant as any collective or group. I threw that out to illustrate that there's a problem, though I don't know how to fix it. Go look up how many uninsured there are in developed countries. It had nothing to do with compassion. That's a lame argument. If that's the case, show me some research on it, or at least examples. It's widely known that large insurance carries pay much less than individuals, even after negotiation. I'm open to what you're saying--just want to see where that comes from. Huh? Who said anything about collective. Goodness gracious--I thought it was pretty darn obvious I was talking about MYSELF. I'd ask you to read again what I said. I NEVER said other people need to think or do what I believe is right for myself. Goodness gracious again. I'm not sure you really understood what I wrote. There was NOTHING blanket about it. That's sort of what "some of you" means. If it doesn't apply, or you think I'm wrong, just ignore it! Most people ignore me, and I'm used to it.
  4. To me, equality essentially means equal opportunity, and not taking from the affluent and giving to the poor. That's why--even though I don't have the answer--I'm pretty sure the government doesn't, either. Me too. And in my consulting business, I advise all my clients who pay 100% of healthcare to drop it to 80% or less, and even bump up salaries to make people "whole" if they need to. But at least from there forward, they'll share the pain.In fact, the very theory behind "withholding" taxes when it was passed was that people were less likely to notice and object if they never even got the money in the first place. Same with health care premiums. Everybody ought to get their full gross check, and then have to pay taxes (with strict enforcement). It's the only way people will realize how wasteful we are as a country. Like I said, I completely agree. For starters, don't give legislators any special treatment. But take this, for example. If I go to a hospital and get a procedure, I'm likely to pay 2-3x for the exact same thing a major carrier would pay. That's just plain wrong. Thanks for the advice, but I don't want much to do with the far right. Just like I don't want much to do with the far left. Single+ issue voting isn't for me, nor am I going to have someone else define how I should think. I am a total capitalist by trade, a near libertarian by belief, and a caring person regarding people.And yes, we help people all the time. We're especially pulled to help single mothers and have taken it as a personal mission. Thanks for the interaction. Too bad we weren't in office. We could get some things done.
  5. From everything I read, I can shoot a Winchester 7.62 147 gr FMJ in my a rifle that's chambered for .308, right? I don't want to be nervous when I pull the trigger tomorrow.
  6. Sounds good--PM me your email address and I'll connect you.
  7. For those of you that have the time, this is one of the best articles I've ever read on the REAL problem (btw, tort reform is not a big part of the answer): Annals of Medicine: The Cost Conundrum: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker I think it'll open your eyes. It sure did mine.
  8. That's what I was thinking, too. Those two boxes must weigh 100+ lbs.
  9. I have a good friend just east of Nashville who is totally off the grid in a nice home. He's a consultant/dealer to individual homeowners and really knows his stuff. He gives away a lot of advice for free. Let me know if you want me to connect you.
  10. I'm against the government getting involved, but I do think something needs to be done. For one thing, we need to let our loved ones die sooner. If you look at the ratio of healthcare expenditures charted over a person's life, it spikes very heavily at the end. Yes, that's something we do in our family. Aren't you glad you aren't part of our family? Seriously, I'm self-employed, and have been for 21 years. I've been married for 28.5 years, and for the last 20 of those years my wife has been an insulin dependent diabetic. She used to take three shots per day, but for years now she's worn an insulin pump. She's very healthy, takes terrific care of herself, is slim, athletic, etc. Nevertheless, she cannot be underwritten except inside a large group plan that doesn't deny pre-existing conditions. Our only option for insurance is the high risk pool that states like TN force insurance companies to offer in exchange for the privilege of selling insurance to the masses. They cannot turn us down, but they can charge us anything they want, as long as everyone in a particular bracket is treated equally. So, our premiums on an after tax basis are $2,000/month. Plus deductibles. Plus co-pays. And it's ****ty insurance. But what are you gonna do. I ran it through a spreadsheet a month ago, and I have to earn $55,000 a year on a pre-tax basis just to cover her insurance. Yeah, I love her and would pay a lot more than that. My insurance premium for an individual BC/BS policy is $450/month. Plus $2,500 deductible. Plus co-pays. It's really a mess, but I am very grateful that we even have insurance. I also happen to have some genetic libertarian in me. I voted for Bush and was sorely disappointed in nearly everything he did. I did not vote for Obama and I'm disgusted with some of the things he's doing and where he's taking us. But some of you far right folks might want to think carefully about what it's like to be in someone's shoes who can't afford insurance of any kind. Those people are not all deadbeats living off your tax dollars, using green stamps for steak. Some of them are doing the very best they can while their kids are crying from hunger or lack of medical attention. Take a few steps in their shoes before you get all high and mighty, pontificating with bumper sticker nonsense built on over simplification. More than one-freakin-third of Americans are uninsured. I don't have the solution, but there is something wrong and we ought to fix it. I don't think the idiot politicians are the solution, unfortunately, especially since they have healthcare for life. Gawd, that makes me mad. Sorry for the impassioned rant. I'm feeling better already!
  11. You mean like gun shows, too?
  12. Not if he bought it from an individual. Haven't we gone over this?
  13. I sure am glad you're not employed by the judicial branch of government.
  14. Did you see what they said about the FiveseveN?
  15. Assuming the citizen is telling the truth, all we have here is an ignorant officer and an ignorant mayor. I'm not sure there's any big conspiracy to it, though we all seem to look for them quick enough.
  16. What part of TN are you in? I was a pro instructor with the Superbike School and I'd be glad to chat, in person or by phone.
  17. Thankfully I just had to wear the neck brace, which is a lot easier than what you had to wear!
  18. Thanks! It was a double fusion: C5/6 and C 6/7.
  19. I'm curious to know what you folks have been paying a gun shop to do this for you. I've used two different ones, multiple times. One is $55 and the other is $25. That's a pretty big difference. What's a standard/typical fee?
  20. DavidCBaker

    FNH 5-7

    Actually, I think most people say the opposite, no? That's one reason it's used in crowd control.
  21. It is permanent, yes. A 2.5" titanium plate, six screws, and two bone grafts.
  22. Sounds like my wife! You're both right, of course.
  23. Spinal surgeon just released me from all restrictions after 9 weeks (3 weeks earlier than normal). He said to "listen to your body," and gave me several PT instructions to rebuild the core around upper spine. Pain is greater under tension or bad posture, so working on that first. Been back to the range multiple times, but will wait for racquetball and motorcycling for now. I'm a lucky and grateful fellow!


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