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Everything posted by JonDaniels

  1. Whisper, I think the black voters got a good dose of Camela and now are bored of her. I think there is now a new fear the Democrat leaders are completely inept and senile and let's face it, neither Biden nor Camela are going to be able to serve another entire four-year term before dropping dead or being ousted. Newsom is that the clean-cut greased hair Socialist Liberal with a political dynasty family appeal. There have definitely been a lot of rumors that Camela is going to be given the boot. I've never seen a Vice-President who has been so irrelevant and useless in influence that I can remember. Even Dan Quayle had much more respect among people than her. The Pelosi royal family wants to take control of the US and has more power I think than we know. I also am not a big believer that The People are going to get a choice, but rather the establishment will make the choice. Remember, how many of the Leftists were all burnin' for Bernie and they exposed the Democrats rigged their own primaries to make sure Hillary Clinton secured the spot. Of course, rumors are just rumors. Definitely don't take any of what I said here as fact, just rumors that caught my attention.
  2. Are daycares considered schools? I would have thought that "daycare" would not even be considered a school. A Christian school would probably be a whole other deal.
  3. Rumor is it, that the historic first-ever black female vice president will be replaced with a white male of the Pelosi stock named Gavin Newsom who will probably end up as president after sleepy Joe doesn't wake up one afternoon a few months after the election.
  4. I totally agree with you crc and I agree that land/property ownership and gun rights are two of the most critical rights that when lost basically indicate that you no longer live in any type of free or liberated society. The entire fractional reserve banking system through the unscrupulous policies of central banks (specifically the Federal Reserve) in kahoots with our Us Treasury has basically helped speed up the loss of property rights through extortion of the middle class and empowering the elite. Many people live recklessly and beyond their means which drives up the cost of housing and daily goods and then pay exorbitant fees to banks and are literally just leasing homes they probably can never pay off. I follow people like Michael Pento, Peter Schiff, Luke Gromen, Jim Rogers, Rick Rule, Ron Paul/Chris Rossini, Doug Casey among many other free market economists/investors/advocates. Schiff, e.g., goes into detail about how in the 1950s a plumber could afford a nice home in the suburbs, two cars, a stay-at-home wife, kids, and money to spare. Today you got two working people making over 80-200k a year who are renting an apartment and can barely pay their bills. It's like the government is setting it all up to bankrupt the middle class to empower themselves without having to fire one round or forcefully take one home, since everyone leaves voluntarily when they foreclose or go bankrupt. I will say that Libertarians should not support RFK Jr, but I am shocked at how some people I respect still think he is someone kind of liberty lover because of his anti-Covid vax interviews yet overlook the other fascist policies he supports. I generally don't like putting a label on myself, but I guess I feel I do have to identify with one mainstream group its Libertarians. But, I am a believer in minimal government overall. I trust very few politicians, even people in the Libertarian party.
  5. WHOA! You guys really educated me about this guy! I was actually kind of liking him based on what others said and a few interviews I saw, especially his views about the whole forced jabs issue. However, I never can trust a Kennedy as others said and anyone who supports the Democrat party just makes me raise eyebrows since their entire moral compass is really all about empowering the central authoritarian regime and promoting more Big Government. I mean I am not saying I trust most any of the Republicans running either, but I do feel less afraid than many of the Dems I see. That being said, I wanted Manchin to be that "Dem" I could really appreciate and now he is championing disarming people, banning semi-auto rifles to protect our families and empower the government and state. What a sellout to the people of West Virginia, who thought he was on their side. And, I can see this RFK Jr guy being an even bigger potential hazard as he may start championing the Dem causes, but will try to appeal to the right saying how he understands their concerns, but just wants "SENSIBLE" and "REASONBLE" laws that developed countries should have. The thing that worries me about RFK Jr is how many of my more Libertarian-minded, small-government people think he is so different, whereas if he truly supports stripping Americans of their 2nd AMendment rights, put him in the camp of fascists in my book. And, the worst kind of fascists are the ones that manipulate the broad spectrum of the population to appeal to them enough to get into power. I guess we can come to terms that there are no GOOD Kennedys.
  6. Thank you, everyone, for the welcome!
  7. DB, I definitely am confident that the Tennessee government will back the will of the people in the state and override this appalling (if I can use that word) and purely tyrannical legislation from these two Deep State RINOs posing as Patriotic Republicans. It's a sad story, but there is so much government programming blaming guns for the deterioration of our society when it's the moral and social structure that is deteriorating coupled with an ever increasingly central bureaucratically authoritarian government that tries to play among people's fears to make the submit and help empower the very regime. I am definitely looking at East Tennessee and trying to contemplate whether I would move to a suburb outside of Knoxville or Chattanooga or try to find a cheap place to ride out the economic storm, like maybe some small town like Crossville or Manchester. I definitely want to be in a county/city/area that is pro-Liberty and where the Sheriff is on my side and not my enemy, regardless of the state laws.
  8. If Tennessee is a pre-emption state, then, I would think the state law would overshadow the local rules and ordinances. What stops a city from instituting its own "Assault Weapon Ban" or any other ban if they ban guns in this place and that place? Wouldn't T.C.A. § 39-17-1311 settle this? https://www.mtas.tennessee.edu/reference/weapons-public-parks https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/attorneygeneral/documents/ops/2018/op18-04.pdf
  9. Looks like he offers pretty reasonable prices. If I head to Chattanooga I will be happy to hit him up.
  10. As someone who loves to cook and almost became a chef, I'd love to have one of these in the future. I got a German chef knife from Mercer Cutlery, but its' old and dull now. I never had it professionally sharpened or used good sharpening tools on it, so it kind of lost its precision from the self-sharpening I did. I need to get a professional sharpening kit.
  11. PRAYERS SENT! May God bring a fast and full recovery!
  12. Really love Florida overall, but I won't lie some crazy **** happens there. It's all that endless heat and humidity and jungle fever.
  13. I am originally from the Pac Northwest ( RIP Old Home) , but have been living around the country over the last decade. Currently, I live in the Charlotte/Fort Mill, SC area but looking to get out of the Charlotte metro and move to Tennessee. I'm looking at Chattanooga or Knoxville. I did live in Nashville for a short time among other places, so I have been a TN resident before, but only for a brief period. Charlotte is growing way too fast and the city seems to be a little too Northeast in culture for my tastes. I originally came here for opportunities in Fin-Tech, but found a remote job instead. A majority of the people here are from suburbs of NY/NJ/PA/ etc and I don't really like the mentality, the traffic, sprawl, and the cost of living and taxes are sky high. I get the cost of living and taxes is probably everywhere now though. As well, Mecklenburg County (where Charlotte proper is located) is pretty anti-2A but I guess what big city these days isn't? I'm looking for a smaller city and I think living outside Knoxville or Chattanooga will work for me. I'm remote so have the means to live in a smaller place. I haven't done much shooting in a while, as I have been so couped up with work, but looking forward to getting back to the range after I move to TN in a few months. I look forward to spending more time here and learning more about how things are in TN from the locals.
  14. Marriage to Big Pharma and Loss of Gun Rights, what could go wrong?
  15. Here is me praying for the other Republicans in the Tennessee government to stand up to Governor Lee and ruin any chance of election for this fraud's future political career. And, believe me, these guys will definitely be running for some kind of political office in the future.
  16. I tell you, certain types of people go into politics and they usually are of the lowliest variety. The Governor of TN has proven he is not an exception to this rule. So sad. It's unfortunate we have to keep voting for things we are not suppose to vote for, such as our civil rights and liberties. Someone needs to let Governor Lee know that the Bill of Rights is not merely a fun story used for entertainment or a museum artifact. It is the laws that makes our nation what it is and separates us from the fascist and authoritarian regimes around the world. But, many of these politicians yearn to be dictators themselves and these rights are just obstacles in their path. I actually have more respect for an anti-gun Democrat who is honest about his/her views than a phony RINO pretending to be pro-Liberty and supportive of our rights so they can extort votes from us.
  17. Wow, I sure hate for this to be one of my first posts on this nice gun forum, but actually, I was browsing through the forum and these posts inspired me to join ASAP. I am considering a move to Chattanooga or Knoxville and currently live in South Carolina (near Charlotte). I've always thought of Tennessee as the bastion of liberty, seeing it has very low taxes and what I thought were some of the better gun laws in this country. But, oh damn, that really hurts! I never thought Governor Lee to be a RINO and support unconstitutional laws. Even if he is not facing re-election, supporting Red Flag Laws will come back to haunt him should he ever want to run for Congress or even the Presidency. I guess he is basically giving the middle finger to the more pro-2A/Libertarian-minded Republicans and wants to bring back the old days of the George Bush-style Republican party. I hate being too political, but this one hits me right where it hurts. I vowed never to ever live in any state that has Red Flag Laws. For one, I have had malicious family members who are very anti-gun and they always said how they don't think I or anyone should be allowed to own "assault weapons". Some of these people I am not on good terms with. What if now they can just make a phone call to a LE agency and get a liberal anti-gun judge to rule that I am not suitable to own firearms? They perhaps can think my views on small government, low taxes, and owning semi-automatic weapons (which they improperly call Assault Weapons) make me some kind of danger to society. Literally, I cannot think of any law more dangerous, unconstitutional, and a violation of every right you have than a "Red Flag Law". It's a law to circumvent your civil rights plain and simple and has no other purpose. Bill Lee wants all the liberal soccer moms and Blue City transplants to admire him as some kind of savior or something. But to use the argument that he is not going for re-election is definitely not accurate. Look at Rick Scott down in Florida and the stunt he pulled. He helped promote the red flag laws in Florida. Of course, the clown now suddenly made a 180 on all his anti-gun measures after the high-profile shootings there and now claims to be very pro-gun and that all that was a mistake now he is a Florida state Senator. Funny, how these slimy politicians will change their views on a whim if they think it will get them ahead somehow. Maybe, Bill Lee doesn't want to be in the camp of the "extremists" and wants to be the "moderate" more RINO kind of guy. Anyhow, what type of chance does this have of passing? I was getting ready to move to either Chattanooga or Knoxville area in the next few months and was going to do a trip over there to look around. However, if Tennessee is going to start enacting such anti-liberty laws I may have to reconsider. As much as I hate the taxes in South Carolina, I have to say they are moving in the right direction and our Governor McMaster has stated he does not support Red Flag Laws and now there is legislation pending to legalize Constitutional Carry. Still, I would prefer to live in Tennessee and I know that is is a great place to be, but I do worry just as much of a state being taken over by Anti-2A RINOs as Anti-2A Democrats. I don't have much faith in our political system or parties as a whole, but just trying to find that place I can relocate where I can enjoy as many liberties as I can in this screwed-up world we live in. By the way, I was living in Washington state before moving East. I am originally from the Pacific Northwest. The Red Flag Laws passed in Washington was one of the first inspirations I had of getting out of there. I did see the place getting progressively worse every year and kind of knew that Inslee would eventually strip WA residents of every civil liberty possible, but it all started with the Red Flag Laws. The liberals vowed that "we are not after your guns". Well, guess what, they got the worst AWB and restrictions in the country now.
  18. If he still had his voting rights, I'd encourage him not to vote for his father


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