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dcloudy777 last won the day on August 18 2014

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About dcloudy777

  • Birthday 07/28/1976

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    Tullahoma, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Community Answers

  1. According to overwhelming shooter feedback, a good time was had by all. If anyone wants to do something similar, I’ll be happy to help however I can.
  2. Match went off without a hitch last weekend! 9 stages of retro multigun lunacy. Here are a few pics:
  3. I’m going to be there all day Saturday trying to get buzz and sponsor swag for the Retro Wave match…
  4. Brownells has signed on as a match sponsor, graciously offered one of their cool new Retro Rifles for us to give away!
  5. Come try Retro Wave! Tallahassee, 28-29 September! https://www.facebook.com/events/646964325720846/?ti=ia
  6. Tomato.
  7. Anyone in Middle TN have any experience with this? I was gifted a nice 80% lower and don’t have a clue as to how to finish it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Speaking only of my own experience shooting 3-gun Open division with a dot-sighted pistol, your mileage may vary: The handgun dot sight excels at hitting small (or distant) targets fast. Things like TX stars, 4" plates, and distant steel transformed from painful to routine. For full-size targets up close, even after a lot of practice with the dot, I was never any faster than irons, and often a touch slower because of height-over-bore and muscle memory shooting irons. And that's almost certainly the kind of shooting I'll need to do if (God forbid) I end up pulling the trigger for keeps on the street. So in summary, for me, for a carry gun, the RDS isn't worth it. Now, as the tech improves, the sights get even more bulletproof, weather/foreign object resistant, and maybe we start to see things like integral RDS, where the battery, electronics, and wind age/elevation adjustments are built into the slide, and only the sight window sticks up, and that dot starts to appear right where the front sight used to be.... that might mean a whole new ball game.
  9. SIG P938. It suppresses well too.
  10. I finally found a picture of the concept, albeit a cheap Chinese example with a pitiful excuse for a handle.
  11. That's where you're wrong. Scrap the committees.
  12. They are indeed. But my line of (admittedly flu-riddled) reasoning being a slight curve would add some slashing ability and give up very little penetration. I've taken to carrying a push dagger next to my spare pistol magazine as a pure "defense/weapon retention" tool. The push knife design allows a longer blade in a carryable package than a traditional fixed blade, and the punch is one of the most basic defensive instincts. Clamp weapon hand down on the gun, draw knife with support hand and punch.
  13. I'm sorry, I'm fighting off the flu and my communication skills are a bit lacking right now. More like this knife, but with a shallow "karambit curve", double edged.
  14. Those look awesome. Could you possibly incorporate that same blade shape into a push dagger?


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