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About Bad_Bowtie

  • Birthday June 11

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Deer Hunting and Four Wheeling
  • Occupation
    Heavy equipment operator, local Government


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 43
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19, Dan Wesson VBob

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Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. No, we're done. Deleted my rant, woulda never PM'd you if I realized you were the one who low balled originally in the now deleted post.
  2. New in the box SBM4 for AR pistols. Didn't realize when I ordered this that it only fit round pistol buffer tubes and not standard 6 position mil spec extension. Got the correct one ordered but not gonna hassle with sending this back to the seller on gunbroker. Asking $50, just paid $66.44 after tax and shipping last week. Specs here https://www.sb-tactical.com/product/sbm4/
  3. 9mm with threaded barrel and optics cut. Has a Cyelee red dot mounted. Sight and gun come with everything that came new in the box. I've shot 2 mags thru it with no malfunctions. Was gonna use as a suppressor host but just picked up an AR9 that I'm really liking. $600 firm ftf in Newport/Gatlinburg area to established/benefactor members only. https://palmettostatearmory.com/tisas-usa-1911-night-stalker-sf-9mm-5-8rd-pistol-platinum-gray.html https://www.cyeleeoptics.com/products/cat-green
  4. Good working TLR1 with booklet and keyways to fit different rails. $75 shipped Two We The People kydex holsters for Glock 19 with Streamlight TLR1. One iwb and one owb paddle holster. Can see in pic I lost one screw but replaced it with another M8 chrome bolt. $75 for both shipped. $140 for the everything. Pending, that didn't take long
  5. Good working TLR1 with booklet and keyways to fit different rails. $75 shipped Two We The People kydex holsters for Glock 19 with Streamlight TLR1. One iwb and one owb paddle holster. Can see in pic I lost one screw but replaced it with another M8 chrome bolt. $75 for both shipped. $140 for the everything.
  6. Hating to sell, but this gun has been replaced in my safe and I have a huge car repair bill coming up soon. Was my ride or die for many years. Still have the receipt from buying it in 2011. Gen 3 Glock 19, stock except Ghost Bullet slide release and Tru Glo TFO sights. I did take a dremel in the past and reduce some of the trigger guard to solve the Glock knuckle problem. Not noticeable unless your looking it over closely, but feels way better for a right handed shooter. Will include the 2 factory mags, Streamlight TLR1 with booklet and parts to fit other guns. Also have two We The People kydex holsters. One IWB, one OWB. Will take $550 FIRM. Can meet in Newport or Gatlinburg most days. Would prefer(need) to sell but I'm a sucker for deer hunting rifles that tickle my fancy, especially if threaded barrel.
  7. I've saw this rifle, woulda bought it myself if I had the extra $$$. Nice rifle and even better seller.
  8. Wish you were closer, my son wants to try playing. Not sure how serious he is so cheap is good
  9. I'll take it. PM on the way.
  10. Deal pending, thanks!
  11. Pre safety JM gun. Make somebody a heck of a deer rifle.


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