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Everything posted by eRay

  1. I always use CCI Mini Mags. Don't know if they are the hottest but I have generally found them to be the best.
  2. I once did a background check for the firearms instructor of a large police department. He was denied. It was later overturned. TICS makes these mistakes fairly often.
  3. You may all be missing the point. crazy as things are nowdays, the NRA may be posting the building for their convention. Crazier things have happened.
  4. ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL Tennessee law (TCA 39-17-1316(a)(1) added the following disqualification for firearm transfer to the list of prohibitors found in federal law: “…..sales to persons who are addicted to alcohol and sales to persons ineligible to receive them under 18 U.S.C. section 922 are prohibited.” Alcohol is hereby defined as: any distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages. TICS uses the same standards for determining addiction to alcohol as are used for dangerous drugs/controlled substances:  A person who uses alcohol, as defined above, and has lost the power of selfcontrol with reference to the use of alcohol; or  A person convicted for use or possession of alcohol within the past year, or  A person with multiple arrests for use or possession of alcohol within the past five years if the most recent arrest occurred within the past year; or  A person found through a blood alcohol test (BAT) or Breathalyzer Test to be under the influence of alcohol if the test was lawfully administered and within the past year; or  A current or former military service member who received recent disciplinary or other administrative action based on confirmed alcohol use (e.g., court-martial conviction, non-judicial punishment, or an administrative discharge based on alcohol abuse or alcohol rehabilitation failure). A person may be an unlawful current user of alcohol even though the alcohol is not being used at the precise time the person seeks to acquire a firearm or receives or possesses a firearm; rather, the unlawful use only needs to have occurred recently enough to indicate that the individual is actively engaged in such conduct.
  5.         I can see both sides of this issue. I certainly don't want TICS or any other law enforcement agency making up the laws as they go along. This is more the way things are done in Russia than in the US. I would be willing to bet that this interpretation was not what our legislators had in mind when they prohibited people addicted to alcohol from purchasing firearms.   On the other hand, If you and I are involved in a bad traffic accident Saturday night and your family is injured and you are as drunk as Cooter Brown, I would prefer you not have a firearm..
  6. I like the confidencee that I have in the reliability of a revolver. I like the extra ammo capacity and lower felt recoil of an autoloader. I have two semi autos for every revolver that i own. Still my bedside gun is a .357 Ruger GP100 and my carry gun is an S&W .38 Special Model 38. I shoot mainly 1911's and Glocks, but still if my life ever depended on it working, I would feel better with a revolver.
  7. You can buy one from an out of state dealer in person at his business premises. You can buy one from a dealer or private individual by going through an FFL dealer in Tennessee. Your dealer sends his dealer an FFL copy. His dealer sends the gun to your dealer who does the background check. A private individual can send one to your dealer without a copy of his FFL just by checking ATF's EZCheck system and verifying that he is a licensed dealer. You can not buy one directly from an out of state individual without going through a dealer. Some dealers will not accept shipments from individuals, so check with yours before buying. Check out Armslist.com.
  8.   Also, it is only 12 months. Not like a lifetime ban. And certainly less of a burden that having your automobile confiscated.
  9. I had 544 sales along with 15 denials. Out of the 15 denials, all were appealed and 11 were approved after the appeal. Just to give you an idea of the percentages. I usually gave the customer an appeal form right there in the shop and after they filled it out, I faxed it to TICS. TICS likes for the dealer to do this as they say a lot of appeals can not be approved because of the denied person not properly completing the appeal form. The dealer usually catches missing info before he faxes it for the customer improving the odds of the denial being overturned. I agree with lawenforcementsales,that most of the examiners at TICS are professional people trying to help us. Never had a bad experience with any of them.
  10. I just checked my Tennessee Instant Check System FFL dealers guidelines manual and it states that one of the reasons that they will deny a firearms purchase is conviction for an alcohol related offense within the last 12 months. My guess is this is your problem.   I decided to look this up as Oh Shoot will soon want to add it to his legal library.They are basing this on TCA 39-17-1316 (a) (1) which prohibits persons addicted to alcohol from purchasing a firearm. How they decided one dui qualifies as addicted to alcohol is beyond me but that seems to be the TICS position.
  11. PSA has the some of the best prices that I have found anywhere. This could be because they save so much money by not hiring people to answer the phone or email. They also are pretty slow on shipping. Probably don't hire a lot of people in shipping saving more money. Despite these problems they have always managed to eventually get my items to me. As long as they keep sending my products at super low prices, I can live with them not having time to chit chat with me.
  12. As long as the government gives special benefits to any group of people there will always be some who abuse it. Whether it be disability benefits , parking benefits, tax breaks, food stamps, whatever. We just have to accept the fact that any time society tries to help people, there will always be someone to abuse it. We can not stop it so we may as well spend our time worrying about something that we can change. I think I'll send a check to Knox Area Rescue Ministries tomorrow. Maybe I can actualy help change something by that.
  13.   This is absolutely true. I do not have a placard and do not want one but could easily get one. I have a neurological disorder similar to MS. I walk normally and look normal but can only walk short distances as I tire very quickly from my Myasthenia Gravis. It weakens my lungs to the point that my body can not get enough oxygen to operate. I am sure many other people have similar problems. When I get a little older I may have to use a placard but for now I will leave the space for someone who really needs it.
  14.   I find Lowes to be the worst at this. They must have about 20 handicapped parking places at the Athens store. Most of the time at least two thirds of them are empty.   I bought a new Corvette once. I could park it at the far end of the Walmart lot at least 10 spaces from the nearest car and when I came back out there would always be a trap on each side of it. Everytime I get a new vehicle it seems like some old lady in a thousand dollar cars pulls in right next to it and tries to see how hard she can kick her door open.
  15. What bugs me is people who are not disabled using a placard. I have an older lady neighbor who gets up at six every morning to walk six miles for her exercise. When she goes to the grocery store, she  always pulls out the placard and parks in a handicapped spot. Another older lady uses her deceased aunt's expired placard and always parks in a handicap spot. Then I see some trully handicapped person park a van on the far end of the parking lot to unload their wheelchair. Who said life was fair.
  16. My 10 just came by FedEx. Took two days. They were packed loose in a large box and got a little scuffed up but no dents. They look just as good as my military cans. Wish I had gotten more.
  17. I am afraid USPS will not be much help. I had the same situation happen. Tracking showed package left in my mailbox. No package there. Problem was this package was a pistol. I went to the Post Office and was told it showed delivered. Carrier did not remember one way or the other. I reported it to the Police Dept. even though I had no hope of ever seeing the gun again. Three days later a detective showed up with my gun. My address was North Tenn Ave and the letter carrier had delivered it to the same house number on Tenn Ave without the NORTH. The Detective figured it out and advised the people at the address that if the gun was found there would be no problem but anyone caught with it later would be arrested. They coughed up the gun.
  18. I just got 10. I priced them at my local tractor supply the other day and they were 16.99.
  19. I carry a S&W 638 with a Crimson Trace Laser Grip. Would I be better off with a Glock? No, because I have three and they are always home in the safe. The J frame is always with me. I have tried all the sub compacts and have not found one yet that was 100 percent reliable. I only have 5 shots but I will take my time and put them where I need them. Five shots that I can count on is probably all I'll ever need.
  20. eRay


    I just had an upper made. I went to an oral surgeon to get the 8 teeth pulled because I wanted to be asleep when it happened. Went to Affordable Dentures first and had an impression made and a temporary denture made. Oral surgeon put me to sleep and when I woke up I was wearing the temporary denture. After about a week I had to go back to Affordable Dentures and have my denture adjusted. After about two months my gums had healed enogh that the denture had to be relined. I get the permanet one made in March after my gums are completely healed. The oral surgeon charged $2159. Affordable dentures for the temporary and permanent denture and all adjustments was $825. So far I have been happy with them.
  21. Maybe the horse twitched at just the right moment and everything lined up just right. Could have been the shooter, could have been the gun, could have been the horse, probably was mostly just pure luck.
  22. I think 22 is getting a bit easier to find. I have a brick coming right now from Cabellas and another from Gander Mountain on the way. I have had almost no success finding it in stores but see it every few days online. Hate having to pay shipping but it is still cheaper than running around everywhere looking for it.
  23. When I had an FFL, I made it a practice to never sell cheap guns. I realize a lot of people can not afford to buy a quality gun but usually the people who buy these guns are the people who know the least about firearms. They buy a $150 gun and expect it to be as reliable as a Glock. Then they tell all their friends who know nothing about firearms how you are selling junk that does not work. I've found it better to stay completely away from all these headaches.
  24. I had an N pap. It was a good looking rifle but the buttstock is so high that I could not get my eye down low enought to properly see the sights. I would recommend looking at one and sighting down on a target before actually buying one.


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