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Everything posted by eRay

  1. I went to Smyrna and took it twice. I really enjoyed it.
  2. My advice would be to do the right thing and move on without causing any problems. You gain nothing by causing him problems and you will feel better knowing you tried to do the right think. Life throws problems at us all the time. You can't let them get to you.
  3. I received a credit card offer from Citi Bank the other day. Took the prepaid reply envelope wrote a note explaining that I would have liked to have the card but can not do business with anti-gun companies. Mailed it back in their prepaid envelope so they could pay postage to get my opinion.
  4. Liked it. You can see if you are notified.
  5. I don't think we can really determine which side of these proposals Trump will come down on. I don't really think Trump even has any idea what he is talking about. We all know Trump takes one position then completely changes his position the next day. Tomorrow he will be probably be denying saying any of these things that we just saw him spouting off.
  6. About all I hoped for from Trump was that he could stop Hillary from becoming president. And that is about all I got.
  7. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Got 10 more.
  8. About the only court that gun owners could win in would be the US Supreme Court and they don't seem to be accepting any new 2nd amendment cases.
  9. We rented a townhouse and loved it. Once we decided area we wanted to live in we were able to be very picky about what we wanted. We plan on retiring in this home. Found some that were close but we kept waiting until the perfect house came available. Not having to jump on something immediately was nice. Housing market is crazy in this area right now. If you see something you can't take too long to decide. I am retired and we had a new house built on Ft. Loudon Lake. I plan to spend whatever time I have left watching a fishing bobber. Lenoir City has everything I need.
  10. Maybe it's a polygonal barrel rather than traditional lands and grooves. Works in a Glock.
  11. Just moved to Lenoir City myself. Lived in Etowah 40 years and decided to retire on the lake in Lenoir City. Love it here.
  12. I could not find one locally at a good price. Bought mine from Palmetto State Armory for $299.
  13. When I had an FFL and was doing transfers I left the firearm in the shipping package and let the customer open it. That way if the firearm was damaged or anything missing, he would know I had nothing to do with it. I did multiple transfers for the one fee as long as they were all done at the same time. This ended up causing me problems as I had customers leaving a firearm with me for a week or more until they could get another one in and transfer both for one fee. Then I could not get the first one logged into the bound book within the time limit imposed by BATF.
  14. I want a Glock 26 slide on a Glock 19 size frame. I just can not learn to like the short 26 frame.
  15. I had a friend who did just this. He appealed the denial by stating that he "misunderstood" the question. He changed his answer and got his permit renewed with no further problems.
  16. When you purchase two or more handguns within a period of 5 business days the dealer must fill out a "Multiple Purchase" form and fax it to BATFE within 24 hours. The dealer also has to send a copy to the chief law enforcement in your city or county.
  17. Got mine in 6 weeks. Probably still would not have it if I had not called them to inquire about it.
  18. I agree, this is the time. Interest rates are going to go up and housing prices are rising. Land around Nashville is going to become harder to find.
  19. You're probably going to only do this once. Do it right the first time. Get everything you want. It doesn't cost a lot to upgrade now. It will cost a lot if you decide to upgrade later. I was not really as concerned with getting along with the neighbors as I was with my daughter being able to sell it one day and get most of the money back. The house has to sort of fit the neighborhood.
  20. I'm retired and wanted to spend the few years I have left sitting on a boat dock. It's not a big house but it's a nice house for $250,000. My friend built a 1850 sq ft all brick with standard 8 ft ceilings and 6/12 roof pitch for $187,000. It has hardwood and granite with 2 1/2 baths with tile showers and tray ceilings in the great room and master bedroom. . All the house that I would need. I just hated to build it on a $350,000 lot next door to 6,000 sq ft million dollar homes. I was afraid the neighbors would kill me. Anytime you vary from standard size building materials the price skyrockets. If you can live with standard 8 ft ceilings and 6/12 roof pitch you can build a pretty nice 1850 sq ft house for under $200,000.
  21. That $250,000 did not include the land. Two acres of land on Ft. Loudon Lake cost $350,000. It does include 10/12 roof pitch, all brick, 6 ft wide x 8 ft tall windows in most rooms, 2 and 1/2 baths with tile showers, hardwood and tile floors throughout, granite countertops, two car garage with 8 ft tall doors, 400 amp electrical service, 9 ft ceilings throughout and 12 ceilings in great room.
  22. I am in the process of building a new 1900 sq ft home right now. If you can find one you like already built it will be much cheaper. I am building one because I had lakefront property and wanted it on the lake. Mine is all brick, lots of glass, steep roof lines, hardwood and tile floors with 9 ft ceilings. It is supposed to run about $250,000 when finished. My neighbor is building one right next door, same size but stone with giant stone fireplaces and timber beams. Same builder told him it could not be built for the $300,000 budget he is working with. I have another friend who used the same builder and got a 1850 sq ft brick house with 8 ft ceilings and got a very nice house for $187,000. So I would say price is going to run anywhere between $110 to $150 per foot depending on what style home you want and how exotic you taste is.


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