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About CMDRStormBorn

Profile Information

  • Location
    Karns area
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Ranged sports, Anything with a motor, a life less ordinary
  • Occupation
    RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous)


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P226 X-FIVE
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Tactical Slingpack full….

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  1. Well that happened… that was a wild 48 hours as everything flew out the door, but floors are clear for the wife & now I guess I’ll buy more high end crap to go in the garages. we’re men, that what we do- we buy crap LOL
  2. I know how that goes! My Glock 20 is a bit too harsh on my hands for my taste. I’m also not the fastest on follow-up shots with all that barrel lift in such a light weight gun. Otherwise, I am a huge Glock fan in 9mm & .22lr.
  3. Father’s day bump
  4. Me likey the Beretta. I’m a fan of all stainless. It’s very nice(in thick Italian accent)
  5. Amazing stuff to ponder. Some of my pistols are so big that they basically require thigh holsters. While I like them and only wear them on my property, I would very much like to have them when riding my Can Am. I haven’t of course but have been curious as to legality of “3 sides visible/open-carry” when on a bike. I have this great leather Deadpool motorcycle outfit too. Things that would go great together & maybe get me introduced to everyone on patrol…-The wrong way. Dang it.
  6. Well shucks.. In all honesty, you’re my favorite person on TGO. I just enjoy the crap out of everything you have to say. Much respect!
  7. If you’re ever bored & find yourself with the time- just for fun, do a deep dive search online for the thousands of FOIA declassified PHOTOS that quietly got released over the last few years. Right there, hiding in plain sight is… a lot. Including the original non-cropped and unedited Roswell crash site. That distinctive fuselage is NOT a weather balloon. The more you examine various photos- quite good in their quality, the more you may ponder the possibility that this rabbit hole runs pretty deep. Now go live long & prosper-
  8. I agree- they drink up the harsh recoil of 10mm very well, plus so much of the factory 10mm ammo out there is already subsonic
  9. Hi Gurn! I got in on a shot show special with Palmetto in January & picked up my Rock 5.7 in Sniper Green-WITH FREE INCLUDED 407 holosun(with proper screws) bundled with it as a package for $499 and never looked back. It too is my first foray into the caliber. Fun fact: the understand that both Rugers (pistol & carbine) accept this higher capacity mag! So next on the 5.7 list is a companion carbine from Ruger to go alongside Rocky. Enjoy, my friend


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