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Everything posted by crc4

  1. Curious. How does that ammo do for SD purposes?
  2. My 2006 heat pump hasn't faltered. Here it's been down to 3 and my house has remained at 72 degrees. At night I turn it down to 69 for sleeping. In the morning back to 72 and only twice did my auxiliary heat turn on for about 11-15 minutes each time. Once it reaches 72 the extra heat doesn't come on. So much for wind power and solar. We need more nuclear plants unless you like rolling blackouts, cold water baths, and cooking over dried cow dung. As all this press for electric cars - wait until the grid melts down and the electric cars are pulled by oxen and donkeys.
  3. Fortunately, I have a seven-day, no questions asked return period. That should be long enough to see if it works out or if it's necessary to get a new one.
  4. I bought myself a snow shoveler.
  5. Compared to a typical .38 wadcutter yes.
  6. None of my ex-wives care anymore. They did at one time. That's the reason they're ex-wives.
  7. Thanks for the information. It seems as Glocks rule the roost in many departments today. Merry Christmas and stay safe.
  8. Thanks for the response. What caliber did you carry before the 9mm? What guns, why the change, and what do you carry now? I trying to see if there's any pattern in LE - whether it's cost, leadership demands, community demands, etc.
  9. Tonight will be more likely than Friday night to freeze pipes. The ground and buildings were warmer yesterday, but after a day of below 10 degrees the ground will be feeling the effects. If you're a dripper, be sure and drip tonight.
  10. SPF -- Thompson Center Hawken .50 caliber. SN 26 *** Purchased new in 1973. Shot at the range 3 times in 1973, thoroughly cleaned and put away. This is a factory rifle, not a kit gun. Excellent condition. A beautiful rifle. $615.00 FTF in Cleveland, TN. cash only, no trades.
  11. Cold. It's the flow of the water that keeps pipes from freezing up. Hot water drips only wastes energy.
  12. Wadcutters as a Self Defense Load in Snubbies I been hearing a lot about using hard-cast wadcutters in a snub nosed .38 from various sources I respect. The above is another article that gives additional info. I usually have Remington +P in my Bodyguard, but have considered going with wadcutters again as I did when I was a detective. Something around 900 fps give or take. Some +P ammo in a snubbie is almost like a .357 in recoil and flash. Plus the accuracy and ability for faster follow-up shots makes me think I may go back to wadcutters, particularly if I can find a factory load that keeps it around 900fps.
  13. Jager Company, Italy, Remington 1863 Zouave .58 caliber. I traded for it in 1975, never shot it. In excellent condition. Small mark on barrel near lock. On opposite side near lock are hammer marks but those marks appear to be manufacturing marks.With extra nipple and worm in patchbox and ramrod.It needs a new home. Will take more photos by request. $525 FTF in Cleveland, Tn - Cash and Carry.
  14. Since the TV station ran the story, why not call the local DA in Knoxville and ask him about it? If he gets enough phone calls (not emails as they're too easy to avoid) and ask him what he plans to do about this massive fraud against regular people. Don't threaten his job but do bring some pressure. Write a Letters to the Editors of the newspaper, and maybe call the hometown columnist and present it as a good story involving many honest people being scammed. You've had a good story on TV. Build momentum with that. See if you can get the media to cover your upcoming creditors meeting.
  15. Andrew Branca. An attorney who specializes in Self Defense law, Author of The Law of Self Defense: The Indispensable Guide to the Armed Citizen Those who teach how to react to a self-defense shooting advise to never carry handloads, only factory ammo as a prosecutor could attempt to make hay with a jury that your were carrying handloads 'designed to blowup, destroy, annihilate, and obliterate' any human flesh. Plus, forensics are unable to test handloads reliably due to the various recipes by handloaders as opposed to factory ammo with its known characteristics. Factory loads are all I carry; not all I shoot, but all I carry for SD. It's an excellent book that far too many SD people will never read.
  16. Yet, it seems that the low velocity of HP rounds shot in short barrels do not do well when going through material before reaching the subject, while the wadcutters do penetrate outer layers. Plus there's the benefit of lower recoil with wadcutters. I'd like to see a side-by-side test using ballistic gel with denim material in front.
  17. As an aside, when I was a detective I loaded reverse wadcutters in this same Bodyguard and qualified. Wouldn't carry that load today for legal reasons.
  18. It would be for j-frame Model 49, plus 9x18 or .380 as it seems that HPs in those calibers don't perform as one might wish. Take a look at this. Wadcutters for SD I would only carry factory ammo for SD, no handloads.
  19. I'm looking to try out hard-cast lead ammo for SD carry and am interested if anyone has experience with it. Thanks.
  20. I'm curious as to the 9mm ammo departments are using. If anyone knows, that would be great. Would also like to know why that particular ammo is used.
  21. I've never sold any guns outside of Tennessee, but I've never had any problems in over 50 years of personal transactions. Nowadays, I do kept the emails and messages of the conversations leading up to the transaction. I don't do telephone conversations with strangers about firearms. All email and texting until we meet. If someone appears sketchy or under 25 I may ask for an ID to verify they are Tennessee residents and of legal age. I have done a BOS on occasions, but never had a buyer ask for one. But I've also never had a buyer refuse to produce ID or balk if I requested a BOS. I believe as long as you do due diligence in meeting TN State Law regarding gun sales you should be fine even if the gun is used afterward in a criminal matter. I also will use a police or sheriff's department public parking lot at times for a meeting place knowing that cameras are recording. As I live in a smallish city and rural county, that's accepted by law enforcement as a deterrent to thieves, fraudsters, and robbery.
  22. Withdrawn from sale 01/13/23 - failure to receive payment SOLD - 12/23/22 Cleaning out the safe to put new stuff in the safe. For Sale - Russian Makarov, Baikal, Baikal marked grips. (import marks IJ-70 KBI) w/2 magazines. Adjustable sights. Very good+ condition. Reason for selling - I have too many Maks (is that possible?) and this one has been in the safe for 15 years. If you want to see more bad photographs, tell me what you want to see and I'll take 'em $445.00 FTF sale only in Cleveland, TN - Cash - Must be 21 and Tennessee resident.
  23. Penicillin for hepatitis, antibiotics for the clap, and a bad case of crabs takes the excitement out of the excitement.
  24. Unless I know who made the moonshine, grew the pot, and the hooker had a blood test and visual inspection for creepy-crawlies in the last three minutes, the answer must, sadly, be no.
  25. Business principles are applicable across all businesses. You can learn a lot from the opposition. I learn wherever and whenever I can. It's exactly the same procedures I use when I'm selling a firearm occasionally to someone I don't know. Do the business and leave.


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