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Everything posted by crc4

  1. I recently had a Russian Makarov for sale. A buyer contacted me, kept promising to send funds, then 3 weeks after not receiving any funds only promises to 'take care of it,' I let the 'buyer' know I was withdrawing my offer to sell. I'm happy. I'd rather have the pistol than the money.
  2. Great article on "What Do I Say After A Shooting?"
  3. Read this. How To Tell If Your Gun Is Magnetized Not sure if this is serious or seriously wrong. Could be a new urban legend translation from Klingon. Here's another read from a gun magnet manufacturer. Makes more sense. Can a magnet damage a gun? If it was a serious problem with past serious incidents, wouldn't there be warnings for the FBI, Law Enforcement Agencies, the US Military, etc.? Or maybe Big Magnet Manufacturers have a conspiracy ongoing.
  4. To me, even if the pistol gets magnetized it's temporary, and if small metallic particles are attracted, it's minimal at the worst and would be cleared by cleaning and compressed air as far as I'm concerned. Until testing reveals otherwise, having the ability to hide firearms securely in hidden spots, the benefits outweigh the minuses.
  5. That would be an interesting test see if firearms get magnetized, how strong is that magnetic field in firearms, how long it lasts, does it attract metallic particles into actions, etc. I'm not disagreeing with you as I don't know, but testing would help resolve some questions.
  6. crc4

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    See if this review by Will Dabbs at American Handgunner helps. As I understand it, the barrel doesn't move. RIA review by Will Dabbs at American Handgunner
  7. Yes. A thick rubber coating. No scratches.
  8. Twenty years ago gun magnets were touted as great for securing handguns in various and often hidden places. I checked them out but wasn't impressed as they seemed too weak to do the job. Who wants to risk their handgun falling at the most inopportune time? After checking out the now available gun magnets I bought these. Gun magnet I have been pleasantly surprised at their strength. This is my fully loaded CZ 75b easily being held very securely on both the side and top. Even shaking didn't dislodge the firearm. They have a thick rubber coating to prevent scratching your guns. While I wouldn't trust the adhesive to hold up my guns (no tests, just wouldn't trust it), screwed into wood, brick, metal, etc. it should hold up any handgun without difficulty. I'm impressed. It's another option for concealment.
  9. I have some in the safe I'd sell, but I'm not in a hurry. They're better than cash in many ways. I have a few I sold 45 years ago that I wish I'd kept. An Ithaca SXS in 20 ga, a hammer 12 ga, a Ruger .22 bull barrel, an S&W Model 58 41 mag, but small regrets at that and nothing I kick myself over. Others, like various Colt .45 autos, High-Powers, Colt revolvers, and 15-20 milsurps I was happy to divorce and get a nice settlement. No regrets at all. I have a few family guns that I'd never sell but will pass on to relatives. I do occasionally buy for a quick turnover, but none of these lasted long to stay in the safe. Buy 'em, clean them up, shoot them, and unless they are amazing they too go on to someone else who gets a nice gun and I get enough in profit to buy more ammo. I don't think I've done a trade in 30 years or more. Buy, sell, move on.
  10. In an effort to make you drool, take a look at Turnbull's case-hardening. Turnbull Restorations
  11. Until I was 35 when I lived in the mountains, I used the Mohawk as a frog gun. Much easier than gigging. I taped a flashlight to the forearm and could do head shots at 15 yards seeing their red eyes glowing. Cow ponds were my favorite haunts where the grass grew next to and in the water. Where I lived there were no cottonmouths, the mean and thoroughly asshole snakes of Tennessee. One night a buddy and I got 63 big bullfrogs. That's a lot of big frog legs. He didn't want them to eat. I did. Cleaning 63 bullfrogs after night shooting is a chore, but damn delicious.
  12. crc4

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    Hudson didn't have the money for the long game. RIA does. The grip is polymer, the frame aluminum, the slide steel. The internals almost are non-existent compared to other pistols. Very simple. What I found interesting on a CZ forum is that some are saying it, in effect, doesn't look enough like a CZ or High-Power or 1911 so they are predicting it won't fly. LOL! I for one, like its looks and if given a chance would shoot one. Should it be like some of my respected reviewers say it is, I'd probably buy it. Of course, I'd have to sell my FEG High-Power clone first. I've developed the mantra that before another gun comes in, one must go.* *Subject to change on a whim.
  13. Who have you contacted to clear this up? Gun dealers can't clear it up. So it must be someone at the state or federal level. What did the 'official' people tell you? If there's a conditional proceed on your application, I can't blame the gun dealer for not completeing the transaction. That's a wise decision for them to avoid legal complications and potential trouble. Sending the gun to another FFL only passes the buck elsewhere and you'll have the same conditional proceed stoppage. What is the appeal process you've initiated? How does it work? There sounds like more to this event than has been expressed on this forum. I'm not giving you a hard time, but if you want good advice it's important to know the whole story.
  14. Looking to try a Tapco SKS magazine. New or used, not abused. If used, should be successfully field tested. Thanks.
  15. I want to let everyone know how much I appreciated all the responses and comments about flashlights. Just like guns, we all have our likes and dislikes, but more importantly people have their reasons for what they use and why. In the end I went with the Streamlight Macro Stream. I bought one in late December, liked it so well I bought another for the car. It suits my style. It's simple with two light settings and easy to work. Most likely I'll get a third to put on my Saiga 12 ga. as I like having certain equipment to work the same like I carry CZs as they work the same. There's something to be said for not having to think about each individual component in times when rapid deployment is needed. Again, thanks to all and please continue to use this post and make suggestions. Others will read it and get your good ideas and make their decisions.
  16. What many fail to realize and is always worth repeating, is you don't shoot to kill - you shoot to stop the threat. Once the threat is stopped, you stop shooting. Never say 'that you shot to kill' as that will be a prosecutor's ace to play at your trial. That will help keep you out of a very difficult position should (and most likely) you are charged with manslaughter at the least, and second degree murder at the worst. The shooter was in a strong legal position until he appeared to fire the coup de grace.
  17. During the rush to buy homes in the past three years, it was a seller's market. Homes were snapped up without the buyer performing a thorough home inspection from a qualified and certified inspector that they hired. Too often they relied on the seller's promise that everything was fine and their home inspector (not certified) had given it high marks. Now, two years later, some people are experiencing the fallout. The biggest investment in people's lives, but they won't spring for a certified home inspector to give the house a complete top to bottom looksie. So it costs $1000-1500? So what? Try fixing a bad problem like electrical, plumbing, mold, sewer, wood rot, etc for $1500. Spend the money to save your money.
  18. That's a bad home inspector. Must have been working for the seller.
  19. I'd be taking a close look at that home inspector. He failed you miserably. He took the money and didn't give you what you were entitled to receive. Call him. Tell him what you've discovered and you're wondering why that wasn't disclosed to you. Then shut-up. Don't say anything else. Just let him reply. Record the conversation. If he doesn't give you satisfaction, contact a lawyer. This is serious on so many levels. This is negligence. But only state what you've found and ask him what he intends to do. No more. Let him do the talking and squirming.
  20. In my opinion, not one bit. No one has time to examine to see if the 'gun' is a real gun. The 'manifest intent' of the robber was clear. That's all that matters here.
  21. The SD shooting appears justified. I'm sorry he didn't stick around, but it's understandable. Notice he didn't hesitate to shoot. That's a plus and probably saved lives including his own.
  22. crc4

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    My CZ 75b weighs in at 35.5 oz and my 97b weighs in at 41.3 oz. I carry both so 2.47 lbs doesn't faze me. As I prefer metal guns and that's all I've ever carried for 50 years, it's not a disqualifier for my style. With a quality gun belt made for the job, it will hold up my gun and my pants without sagging. I can understand that the weight will bother some people though.
  23. crc4

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    Just learned the msrp is about $1000.00. Probably about 8-900 discounted. But that's not too bad as it comes with a red dot matched to the pistol if it shoots as it has been described. It being steel and not polymer is a big plus as well as the trigger pull at a little more than 2 lbs. The looks remind me of a High-Power and CZ style.
  24. crc4

    RIA 5.0 9MM

    I rarely get excited about a new gun because, well, because there are new guns released every week that seem to be more of the same guns that were released last week. This one however, the RIA 5.0, appears to be a new idea that is actually good. Unless the first production run proves problematic, it might be the gun of the decade. One of my favorite reviewers, Roy Huntington, released this video today. RIA 5.0 9mm Take a look. No word yet on the cost, but I may be saving my pennies.


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