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Everything posted by DocHawk

  1. I'm a confessed Sig fan fanboy, so I like collecting some of the rarer examples. Back before Sig was Sig-Sauer, they were bound by strict Swiss export laws. Partnering with W Germany's JP Sauer & Sohn in 1976, they produced their guns in Eckernforde and began exporting to the world. Before Sig Sauer was an approved importer into the US, they ran their first imports through Hawes Firearms, and Browning. The Sig Sauer P220 was the first of these rebranded guns, and was marketed as the Browning Double Action Pistol - the BDA. The BDA was imported for only three short years, after which Sig Sauer was a registered US manufacturer for their own products. It had the Euro-style heel magazine release, which limited its success, but the modern design was undeniably effective. Approximately 10,000 sold in 45ACP, and another ~2700 in 9mm. The rarest of all was the BDA chambered in. 38 Super. Only 750 or so of these rare Sigs were imported under the Browning partnership, and they are one of the hardest early US Sig handguns to find. I'm pleased to have come across two over the years, and I snagged them both. Note they have an unusual slide profile at the muzzle. This is alternately called a "pinched" or "dolphin" nose, and was unique to the ~3400 9mm and 38 Super BDA's.
  2. Every single Browning A5 made by FN was hand-engraved (Edit for clarity: or had no engraving at all). Fun fact - no two are exactly alike. In fact, usually the engraving was completed by several apprentice gunsmiths, each completing the work in the area they were best at (scrollwork, floral, game, etc). They did come in six different grades, with correlating price increases. Most Magnums tended to be ordered in higher grades, only because the typical magnum consumer (who was, by definition, someone who cared to specify for magnum loads) also cared more about engraving.
  3. After being unavailable to meet during the busy holidays, I'm free again and these are back up for sale!
  4. If you cant find a fit at any of the excellent craftsmen mentioned above, I can thread your AK/M in M14x1LH with the front sight post using a bore-centric Thread Alignment Tool. My first choice is always a lathe, but sometimes pressed and populated barrel assemblies don't give you that luxury. I've done a couple hundred; lots of AKM's were muzzle-neutered in the CA market, even requiring removal of welded thread caps or worse. David in Chattanooga
  5. Agreed... and yet, I've gotten them turned into the shop for gunsmithing dozens of times over the past 10 years or so, and about half the time, the rings are not set up right for the loads they're shooting, or many times not set up for *any* load. The users don't know that is an option. Even when the shooter knows he's supposed to set the rings, there's conflicting info out there. Take the nice graphic Whisper kindly posted. It depicts outer beveled friction rings, not inner bevel from this version of the recoil assembly. Further, there's no listing for steel loads, which require a different setup. Yes, for those of us who are well familiar with the A5 and its peculiarities, an A5 is pretty easy to diagnose. However, the average secondhand user doesn't know what there is to know. I've even repaired many, many A5's that came to me after the owner paid someone else to fix it, and it wasn't fixed. If you Google "Browning A5 not cycling" or not extracting/ejecting/working etc., you'll see this is a pretty common experience. Not because it is a bad or finicky gun, but because it's been out for over a century, and there are a lot more of them out there than there are instruction manuals, so to speak.
  6. I restored function to a classic Browning "A5" Auto-5 this weekend. Unlike many modern autoloading shotguns, the A5 is recoil operated instead of using expanding gas pressure to cycle the semiautomatic action. John Browning's enduring design is over 125 years old, and it is still known as one of the most reliable, softest-shooting recoil operated shotguns in the world. Still, these century-old "humpback" beauties do require regular maintenance, and their older design is sometimes misunderstood. Without proper care and setup, they can malfunction. This customer gun was not properly ejecting, leading to double feeds that meant the birds were getting away. The main recoil spring is tuned by a set of bronze beveled rings, and steel friction rings. If they are not installed properly, they can lead to short stroke cycling, or worse, battering of the receiver and action. The right number of rings have to be installed in the right order and orientation to match the ammo being used. In this case, these rings were installed in the wrong order, and backwards. This led to the bronze ring being heavily gouged around its circumference, and the steel friction ring getting a significant burr on the active edge. This, in turn, gouged the magazine tube and bound up the spring during cycling. The stock also has an oft-forgotten recoil spring and channel inside it. Even professionals, unfamiliar with the A5, often forget this spring and channel when performing a cleaning. Sure enough, this bolt spring channel was heavily clogged, and was also contributing to the malfunctions. All cleaned and repaired with new rings, this Browning is ready to hunt for another century.
  7. Me, but I'm in Chattanooga, a bit far for most in the Nashville area.
  8. It doesn't have as much visual impact in a photo when it is hidden under the table held by a rare earth magnet, which is its normal position.
  9. Another fine Sunday Morning beside my wife in the best state in the Union. So glad we moved here, where this breakfast scene is not shocking, but encouraging to our neighbors. Grateful for this kind and knowledgeable TGO community, too. God help us in the coming year... and let's be there to help each other.
  10. Here's my daughter, Maggie, with our purebred yellow labs Daisy and Shelby, and our pitbull / cattle dog mix, Barrett. We have always had a dog since we first got our own house. The kids grew up with a big 90lbs pitbull / black lab mix, Sebastian, who was so gentle that he'd let them bounce on his head, and so intimidating that the Jehova's Witnesses stopped knocking. Sebastian was a rescue, just like every dog we've had since. He was a 7 month old that was too much puppy for his original family to handle. Being black and a pit mix, he was not likely to be adopted. We found him at the pound on his last chance month, and he was the best-behaved dog anyone could ask for. When we moved to a house with property, Sebastian gained a little brother, Scout. He was a cattle dog / shepherd mix that looked just like a half-sized German shepherd. A lifelong puppy-sized short-haired shepherd that leapt up cliff faces like a mountain goat. He was a street rescue from Calexico. Injured in his first weeks of life, a dog charity imported him to the US. Whatever happened to him down there left a permanent impression on him, because he was extremely, inconsolably aggressive to only one kind of person: Hispanic males. He was a mixed mutt from the streets of Mexico; he was our Racist Street Taco. Barrett was a rescue from the pound; friends picked him up in Texas as he was about to be put down. He'd had a hard first year; he grew up in the shelter and overcame Parvo. My friends tried keeping him but he had a submissive peeing habit that they couldn't beat. They drove him 1000 miles to us in Chattanooga just to give him another shot. It's been six months and there's no more peeing. I like dog training. His purebred sisters are rescues, too. They were $1000 AKC puppies who were adopted by a single lady who works 10+ hours in an ER and lives in a condo. Apparently, she decided that might not be the best recipe for success with two 60lbs dogs after the puppies destroyed the condo a few times over and earned her some HOA violations. We agreed to take them in, and now they're right at home on acres upon acres of private ranch. We never go out to buy a dog. There are so many in need already, and somehow they seem to find us at just the right time. We love our dogs, and we're glad to have a place for them.
  11. DocHawk


    Re-read Nehemiah. Paraphrased: And so we prayed for protection (first), and posted a watch day and night (second) against this threat. Yes, trust in God. And provide for your own welfare and the welfare of those entrusted to you. The two actions are not mutually exclusive.
  12. DJTC you're right. I did a search on closed auctions of his personal collection -they are all sky-high like that. I think I am going to list this gun on Gunbroker during the hype. Ugh... I hate those fees.
  13. I raised my boys on Aguila Colibri rounds in the backyard out of lever, bolt, and single action action 22's! When they were 6 years old we started cowboy action stages on soda cans and bottles. They'd run to staged tables with the guns waiting, shoot a few targets, make the gun safe and run to the next. Great platforms whether you're shooting for time, shooting for groups, shooting for fun, or shooting small game. Welcome!
  14. Looks like it is the SFP version, not FFP?
  15. I've sold and serviced a few hundred Taurus revolvers. It does indeed boil down to QC. The designs are sound and, when manufactured and fitted correctly, make good - sometimes, great - revolvers. I have kept 4 Taurus guns that have come through my shop over the years. Owing to the large sample size, I was able to hand-select the best specimens, so I have a handful of smooth, balanced, sweet-shooting Bulls in my collection. Unfortunately, I handled many of the exact same models which had burrs in the ignition group, rough triggers, light strike hammers, poor time, poor frame fitment, and all other sorts of maladies. I've had to make minor warranty repairs on guns I sold brand new because it was better customer service to just handle it instead of having them deal with the then-terrible customer service. Things have improved in recent years; their new executive leadership ~5 years ago has restructured their approach to QC and modern production methods. I can't say it is S&W quality, but it's definitely better than Remington was before they went bankrupt (again),
  16. Those pics aren't working, sir.
  17. I have professional sight pushers, with specialty attachments fir just about every modern handgun since ~1980. I'm in Harrison Bay, 25 mins north of downtown Chattanooga. I'll send you a PM.
  18. Well, another post prompted me to do my market research and get this listed. The person looking for a military 1911 was not moved to buy it at this time. For sale or trade in Harrison, 30 minutes north of Chattanooga. I can't travel to meet this month so it'd have to be someone willing to come here. $1500 cash / ~2K trade value. This 1918 Remington UMC came to me complete and correct except for the grips, which were commercial target style. I replaced them with USGI style service grips. By my best deduction, this is a military service veteran of two world wars. The Springfield Ordnance District Eagle's Head S11 acceptance mark is consistent with its 1918 serial number, placing it in service during WWI. The Augusta Arsenal marks above the trigger guard mark it as a WWII arsenal rebuild for continued service, and this is consistent with its WWII-era military proof Springfield barrel, which is commonly what AA used for their refits. Tragically, at some point during the last century, someone aggressively smoothed the flats and refinished the gun. It still maintains its correct military service parts, but the refinish has cut the value of this $3500+ gun in half. It is still a WWI / WWII warhorse, and I believe someone would be pleased to own a UMC 1911.
  19. Met several of you over the past year and a half; conversed with many more. I'm so thankful for the camaraderie here, and as a refugee from behind the Progressive Curtain, thankful for the freedoms we enjoy together. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  20. I'm going to let go of my Remington UMC WWI military service 1911. Haven't gotten around to listing it yet.
  21. Cleaning up my collection... two single action army style commemorative Colts. No boxes - both originally came in display boxes with a plaque, but those boxes were lost in a flood (stored separately from the guns) by the previous owner. Both guns OBO/Trade with money either way. Located roughly 30 minutes north of downtown Chattanooga (Harrison). $800 OBO/trade for either revolver. Trades I'm looking for (can add/take cash either way to even up) ACW to WWII and modern military weapons, S&W revolvers (older or Pro/Performance stuff), high end combat/duty handguns, target/benchrest/competition rifles, tactical carbines and rifles, level 3+ composite body armor, 1919A4 parts (tripod, accessories, etc), gadgets, mill and lathe, automotive tools and equipment, gunsmithing stuff, a 200cc go kart with suspension, C5 Corvette race parts... a lot of things. Not into Glocks, dolled up guns charging for add-on parts, or run-of-the-mill firearms. First, a Colt Peacemaker Bluntline. 2nd Amendment commemorative two-tone nickel and beautiful high polish Royal Blue finish with faux black pearl grips. 7-1/2" barrel, test fired only. :The Right to Keep and Bear Arms" engraved along the barrel. Additional engraving on the heel of the grip frame (there's no damage on the heel, the bright spots are reflections in the engraving). Second revolver is a Colt New Frontier "The Duke" John Wayne commemorative 4-3/8" color case hardened/blued finish. Adjustable sights, unfired/as new.
  22. What cal is the tree rated for?
  23. Thanks for commenting on topic, @et45. Your reply prompted me to actually look for myself. Here are a few recently closed GunBroke transactions: $760 Glock 45 with the *case* signed by Larry $2000 Glock 17 w/optic Wilson Combat Vickers edition, from Larry's collection $No bids at $1875, Springfield 1911 Vickers MasterClass There were a dozen more, same trends. Based off of this sample, I think stuff with a direct tie to Larry (signed, owned, etc) seems to be going high right now, while things that are just Vickers editions do not seem to be getting a bump. I might put my M4 on the GunChoker. It seems like now would be the time for maximum return; I could turn it into a gun I actually shoot.
  24. Once you have a handful of "no frills" guns... start being more discerning when you are actually out searching for a specific addition. Yes, like almost all of us, if the wrong gun comes along at the right price, oops now there's a new one in the safe. But in cases like yours where you're not just open to whatever comes along but you've got a specific caliber/use/need in mind, why not skip the cheap stuff (it'll come along eventually) and get something that is actually useful *and* gives you a meaningful impression of that specific role you want to fill? Looking for a plinking .22 so you buy a cheap beater Western Field and decide you don't like rimfire because they have too many misfires, when really it's the deformed firing pin. Want a concealable pocket gun so you get a Jennings .25 and decide all tiny guns are underpowered and unreliable. Or need a big bopper for a pile of 10mm and the High Point Yeet Cannon sours your taste for the big boy auto because the hand feel and recoil impulse are lousy... well, in each case you let $200 separate you from a good experience in that role you were looking to fill. There are so many good 10mm out there, now. P320 XTen is my favorite affordable quality, but a RIA 10mm is fun enough to shoot, and accurate. Plus, it doesn't take a hammer and punch to break down a mid-tier 10mm like the Yeet Cannon does.
  25. @hillbilly justice rgr, PM'ed


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