...referred a salesman of Childrens' Bible Story books to my house today. I was mowing the lawn, and close to finished, when I stopped to see what the guy was up to. 20 minutes later, when he was finally convinced I wasn't going to give him $200 for three books to be delivered later, my tractor wouldn't crank. I got an extension cord and battery charger. It was about three feet short. Couldn't push the tractor. Finally found another extension cord and got the tractor running. After I put the stuff up and began to finish mowing, it began to rain.....and then to hail. I finished the mowing just as the hail was quitting. I came in, nearly drowned and covered in little red whelps. If it weren't for this thoughtful neighbor, I'd have had my grass mown and been dry when the rain started. :DI feel like I owe him something. Anybody got any ideas?