I have a CVA Wolf. I bought it from Wal Mart a few years ago. It was less than $100 at the time. I was going to see how it shot and get rid of it. I still have it. I love it! It has a good trigger, it's very easy to clean, and with PowerBelt bullets and 2-50 grain 777 powder pellets, it will shoot 1 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. I like the fact that it breaks down like a single shot shotgun, giving you unrestricted access to the bore. I also like the fact it takes shotgun primers instead of caps. I mounted a scope on mine, but it came with pretty good glowing hi-vis sights. It ain't a pretty rifle, but it does everything I want a muzzleloader to do well, and it didn't break the bank. I've killed several deer with it, and I'm taking it this year.
Wolf 209 Magnum Break-Action:: CVA
Before it, I used a Thompson Renegade. It is a well made muzzleloader with traditional looks, but it was a pain in the butt to clean.