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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. This, along with "Hell, I was there" consist of the old and new testaments of handgun shooting.
  2. Why not find the rifle you like and live with the caliber? There's very little difference between most high power rifle chamberings. I have rifles in a bunch of different calibers. From a 243 to a 30-06, I wouldn't give you two cents difference in them. You shoot a deer in the right place with any of them, and the result is the same. Bottom line: There is no best round. Just hundreds of good rounds.
  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too high.
  4. I may sleep in in the morning, and go later to try and catch deer other hunters drive out as they leave the woods.
  5. I saw a very nic 8 point buck chasing two does this morning in a location where you'd normally never see a buck. The rut is ON!!!
  6. Neat! I like the ammo pouch incorporated into the holster.
  7. Leave it home and make a clean, ethical kill with your deer rifle.
  8. My wife says we are getting a new living room suite. Whatever. Just a little free time for deer hunting and continued good health for my family is all I want.
  9. Colt has only been making them for 100 years now. I doubt they know much about them.
  10. What's a good price for surplus Tokerev ammo. A dime per round seem reasonable?
  11. Nothing wrong with a large caliber. I just wonder if you've ever put an N frame revolver in your pocket. Short of a derringer, the guns chambered fot the rounds you named are not pocket pistols.
  12. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/firearms-classifieds/49009-wts-colt-combat-commander-s-s.html What could be better than this one?
  13. I've had sucess with ###.com as well.
  14. Sorry. I don't know how I overlooked the pics. There shouldn't be any problem with them.
  15. If they'll cycle through the sizing die, they should cycle through your gun just fine.
  16. Unless it is just terrible, it won't hurt a thing. Post a picture if you're really worried and we can tell you more then.
  17. How friggin big are your pockets??!!???
  18. A dent halfway down the case wouldn't bother me unless it looked bad enough to be cracked. It'll iron out when fires. I'd worry more about severe dents near the case mouth. The sizing die will get most of them out, but watch for splitting. It isn't unusual to find dents in new brass.
  19. Suggestion #2. Find and shoot one of those Scandium J frame Smiths in 357 Magnum. You'll never notice the recoil yours produces again. I don't see how anybody shoots those things.
  20. A J frame Smith and Wesson is a very accurate handgun. I suggest you get some soft rubber grips, some 110-130 grain standard velocity loads, or wadcutter target loads if you can find them, and go back to the range with a fresh look at it. Concentrate on the sight picture and trigger control. Letting a knowledgeable person stone the action would help as well. My wife carries a 37, whish is a blue version of your gun, and can amaze you with it. Never has she complained about recoil, and she's a small woman. It is really pretty comfortable to shoot with standard loads.
  21. Now that makes more sense.
  22. You're right. I had rifle cartridges on the brain.
  23. They will go through your dies smoother than brass. No lube needed.
  24. My wife said "I'll bet they get slapped a lot. I said "Yeah, but I'll bet they get a lot of booty too!":D


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