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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. I wouldn't have a clue, but would be interested in seeing pictures.
  2. I've been using a Lee anniversary kit for more than 15 years now. I always thought I'd upgrade later, but as of yet, I haven't felt the need.
  3. Second grade. I wasn't aware he was killed, nor did I know who he was.
  4. He's a fine one from what I know. I just saw an opportunity to pick at him a bit and took it. Actually, he didn't look near the age in his profile.
  5. Rock on, Shepard Smith! You can't blame him for that honest mistake.
  6. I have an 03 "Springfield". It isn't a handgun however. I also own a Springfield shotgun.
  7. mousegunner, I've had the priviledge of meeting you, and at the risk of offending you, you are getting dangerously close to being a Curio/Relic yourself.
  8. Now you guys make me wanna shoot one!!!! I never get finished buying rifles.
  9. How does $27.99 plus shipping sound? Lee Pacesetter 2-Die Set 8x56R Austrian-Hungarian Mannlicher (8mm Hungarian M31) - MidwayUSA
  10. It doesn't get any better than this. I was as scared as I've ever been when we were sent home, all alone, with our first child. He didn't come with instructions or anything. I couldn't be prouder of my children, and know you'll feel the same. Spend all the time you can with your child. You won't regret it.
  11. Those are very nice rifles. You certainly picked a good wat to start.
  12. Although I'm back and forth on the handguns, I guess my favorite would be an old, refinished model 10 Smith and Wesson qith a 4" pencil barrel. It shoots where I point it, is smooth as silk, and just feels right in my hand. I've shot many squirrels with it. Depending on my mood, I can replace it with a variety of S&W revolvers. I have a definite "go to" rifle, however.
  13. I'm behind ya, Brooks. Thanks for your efforts.
  14. :mad:David, It looks likt this is going to be a very expensive weekend for some of us!!!! Good idea.
  15. I'm guessing they'll have 45-70 in stock. If not, your local dealer will have no trouble getting it.
  16. I'm not trying to belittle your gun, but it appears to be in poor shape. To bring the premiums you are thinking of, it needs to be in excellent, unmolested condition. This gun will be worth whatever utility value it represents. Probably a couple hundred bucks. Do you see how the wood to metal fit is in this picture? Now look at the gap between the wood and metal here. This stock has been sanded, cut, and otherwise butchered. That repels collectors.
  17. I don't know what you were looking for when yo found this, but dangit, it gets funnier every time I watch it.
  18. That wasn't necessary, OhShoot. He was clarifying the fact that he didn't want pearl grips. The way I read his original post, I thought he was asking for real pearl grips. Did you have a bad day or something?
  19. Sure. Fire away. Assuming it's in working condition, they are very serviceable shotguns. Without s aerial number, which it almost certainly doesn't have, you'll not have any way of finding out the date of manufacture. I have an Ithaca double from the same era that I've shot cases of shells through.
  20. Nothing wrong with a "gobbler".
  21. I think you have most of the available information in the link you provided. I have a similar one marked "Riverside Arms". They were inexpensive double shotguns. Mine is a 12 ga. Yours, being a 410 will command a premium in price over a 12. If everytthing looks good and works correctly, you probably have a $300-$400 gun. The markings you ask about are assorted proof marks and inspector marks. I'm not sure there are any surviving records to indicate which mark means what. Belonging to your grandfather should make it a prize.
  22. That's a fancy piece of walnut for a military rifle. The 1917s were great rifles.
  23. I was sent home with one of those to make a holster for it, and I have to say that it had a smoother action than my Ruger. As for the heirloom comment, the last gun I'd get rid of is an old Springfield single shot 12 guage that belonged to my grandfather. The foreend is held on with duct tape. You wouldn't give $20 for it, but it is worth a mint to me in the memories it represents. That is what makes an heirloom.
  24. gregintenn

    1911 help

    Cheap mags are like anything else cheap....ypu get what you pay for.
  25. I once had a similar problem with a model 70 Winchester. It seemed the wood was a bit proud around the floorplate area, not allowing it to close completely. Perhaps moisture got into it and it swelled a bit? After carefully removing a bit of wood, it worked like new. I'm not saying this is what's wrong with yours, but something to consider.


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