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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. You need to fix this survey. It is definitely flawed. It's like asking if you like Harleys or Indians.
  2. Where the h3ll is the "YES" option?
  3. It says it's cryogenically AUS8 stainless steel. I don't know how it'll hold up. but it's sure sharp now.
  4. Have you shot it? You'll likely find the action to be a lot smoother than the late models.
  5. If yours is in good shape, please don't let it get away.....at least not before you talk to me.
  6. It's totally different than the later ones.
  7. THis is the kind of thing that get's a guy started in reloading. I can load a wadcutter to where you can almost see it travel from the barrel to the target. I can also load a hollow base wadcutter backwards, really hot, and have the meanest hollowpoint load you've ever seen.
  8. Oh my! Does it have a flat cylinder release latch?
  9. Good choices! Thanks for the contest. I enjoyed staying up to date on the new postings. There are some members here with very interesting guns.
  10. Are you still counting hanging chads?
  11. Wow! That is impressive. I assumed it took a lot of time to change calibers. That's a very kind offer you made to the other poster as well.
  12. gregintenn

    Wish glock would

    ...cease to exist. I've seen so many articles in gun mags about Glocks, it makes my butt hurt!!!. Those and AR 15 derivitives have about worn out their welcome with me.
  13. I am not familiar with this problem. I'd love to get my hands on one. As I remember, they are friggin LOUD!!!!! A sharp, earpiercing loud.
  14. I made that desicion when the billl was being debated last year. I'm glad the see it my way.
  15. I'll get some extra money together and think about getting a progressive setup......then I find a good deal on a gun, and forget about the press. I have plenty of time, and the single stage works great for me. It isn't for everyone. I didn't intend this thread to become a pizzing contest. I just wanted a new reloader to know what they were getting into, and the time involved with a single stage. I never claimed I could win a speed contest with one. I have very little money tied up in it, and I can reload for virtually everything I own with the same press. It isn't for everyone, but I contend it is a good, inexpensive way for a newby to get into reloading. On my cheap Lee setup, I can load ammo that will consistantly shoot groups into one hole at 100 yards using the right load and gun. You will NOT beat that with your uberfast progressive press. I can also change calibers in mere seconds.
  16. Check ammo price before you buy. If that doesn't scare you off, go for it! I currently have two m1 carbines, both milsurp, but have owned a Universal in the past. For shooting, I wouldn't give a nickel's difference in them. They're a blast to shoot. I wish ammo wasn't so friggin expensive. My children and I shot one yesterday. They both said "That's the coolest gun I've ever shot!" They've shot a bunch of guns.
  17. How quick could you load a box of 280 Remingtons on it if I handed you the dies, brass, powder, and primers right now?
  18. You ever see it go down?
  19. Exactly. Progressives are much faster. If a person wants to load a high volume, or only reloads a limited number of calibers and is pressed for time, a progressive is the way to go. For me, I don't load that many, and especially in bad weather, I'm kind of looking for something to do. I also load for at least a dozen calibers, and am always experimenting. I just wanted to give a baseline for prospective reloaders, in hopes we can help them to decide what's right for them, instead of buying several presses.
  20. I was wondering how long it would take to load 50 rounds of handgun ammo on a single stage press, so I timed myself. I took a box of 44 mag brass we "unloaded' this afternoon down to the basement. I had to get out and assemble everything as usual. My dies were already adjusted, but my powder measure was not. I sized/deprimed, cleaned primer pockets, belled case mouths, primed, and loaded 50 rounds in 50 minutes. This time also includes several minutes crawling around on the floor looking for a primer I dropped, and weighing each charge; assuring that no charge varied by more than 1/10 a grain. It also includes the time it took to disassemble and put everything up. My equipment is a Lee Anniversary Kit, with an O ring press, a Lee Perfect Powder Measure, Lee Carbide Dies, a Lee Hand Priming Tool, and a Frankfort Arsenal Digital Scale. This was an actual time. I did not hurry, nor did I vary from my normal loading routine. If I'd have loaded 50 more rounds, they wouldn't have taken very much longer, as setting everything up takes up a lot of the time. I hope this helps someone who is trying to decide whether to get a single stage press, or spring for a progressive.
  21. There's currently an Iver Johnson 22 target model on GOC for $175. It is in McMinnville. If I'd have known this yesterday, when I was in McMinnville, it wouldn't be for sale, it would be in my safe.
  22. I bought a pre model 10 Smith and Wesson 5" barreled, nickel revolver a few months back for $175. It was advertised for sale by an individual on GOC, so no tax, background fees, etc. I put a $5 hammerspring in it, and it shoots like a dream. TO conceal carry, you'd need to shorten the barrel, but it is indeed a high quality $200 revolver. A couple of weeks ago, from the same site, I bought for $100, a Heritage Arms 22 Mag single action revolver. It has a 4 3/4" barrel. It also came with a bunch of ammo and a very nice lined, hand tooled leather holster. On the Heritage Arms website, I found a 22 lr cylinder for $30 and change, shipped to me. Here are a couple of recent examples. If you watch the Smith-wesson.com classified section, you can also occasionally find some for less than $200.
  23. gregintenn

    Chiappa Rhino

    U_G_L_Y...it ain't got no alibi.....IT"S UGLY!!!!!!!
  24. I don't shoot with my penis, so I have a hard time understanding the difference between a "woman's gun" and a regular gun. I've seen the same discussion regarding deer rifles. My wife can shoot anything I shoot, and shoot it well. Like others have said, let her shoot some different makes and models and she can make up her own mind.
  25. What is your definition of a gun snob? I have preferences for certain makes and models. I cringe a bit when I see an entire gun magazine dedicated to plastic pistols and AR based garbage. I love the look and feel of a well polished and deeply blued firearm, complete with perfect fitting, figured walnut. I do feel that John Browning, Arthur Savage, Peter Paul and Willhelm Mauser, John Pedersen. Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson were divinely inspired. Perhaps, I am a gun snob.


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