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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. If the movie is as long as the book, it needs to be a mini series. I did love the book, but man it was long.
  2. Thanks for the offer. To be honest, I'm not a fan of excessive recoil.
  3. I'd like to try a Ruger LCR sometime. The trigger on them feels great. They seem to fit my hand well too.
  4. I highly admire quality teachers. You can usually tell who they are by their view of the teacher's union. The good ones don't have a use for it. A top notch teacher should earn six figures. It's all the lazy ones that we can't get rid of due to tenure that I have a problem with.
  5. I just bought the one I wanted to begin with. Once upon a time, an Essex frame was the one to start with. I didn't see the quality in them others claimed.I'm guessing a Para or Springfield would work pretty good, as would a Colt or Kimber. My father made a tack driver out of an Auto Ordinance, but it took a lot of work one shouldn't have to do to a higher quality gun.
  6. Around here, they're usually $500 trailers. How about a match? Why would you spend 5k to clean up something that should be disposed of anyway.
  7. You are assuming I don't pay taxes as well. Let's make this a fair comparison. We both work for twenty five years, me with the state, you in the private sector. I'm making 25K per year with the promise of a pension. You're making 50k per year without a pension. To make this an apples to apples comparison, let's say that when they take my pension away, your company decides they've overpaid you the last 25 years, and you need to repay half of what you've earned in that time. A portion of my income is deposited into the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System. It really isn't as good a deal as cash, because if I die before I can collect it, it's gone. When your taxes increase, so do mine. You'll never meet a more conservative guy than me, but whan I make a promise, I try to keep it.
  8. Punishing law abiding citizens is NOT the way to deal with crime. Please give an example of how it has worked in the past.
  9. So do flourescent light bulbs, but you see the government outlawing the alternatives to them.
  10. I agree it should be phased out. Civil Service laws make public sector jobs a little different from private sector jobs. If a person has dedicated their life to a profession with the knowledge their retirement is taken care of, I don't see that it's fair to jerk the rug out from under them once they reach retirement. Were they not promised this in the beginning, I'd agree with you, but as I said before, the pay for a public sector job isn't all cash. It would be a good idea to change this in the future, but it doesn't seem right to reneg on prior obligations.
  11. When did the State take on the responsibility of cleaning houses? DO they scrub the blood stains out after a fight, or rebuild your house after a fire? This is just a fear tactic to get you willing to cede yet another luxury of being a free U.S. citizen, in the name of public safety.
  12. I too work for the state. I could get a job Monday making twice my salary. I am happy where I am, doing what I do. Part of my job consists of a furnished vehicle, paid State holidays, 80% on health insurance paid, and a pension. I'm happy with the deal, but I'm not going to be happy if I work there 30 years and then they tell me they've decided to forego my pension. It is part of my salary, in my opinion.
  13. You should have dragged him out of his car and gave him the ole "I'm a taxpayer" speech. My neighbor is a Trooper, and he's called out at odd hours, nights, weekends, and holidays. They have paperwork to keep up with. Every job isn't a clock in clock out, stand at a machine or sit in a cubicle for 8 hours kind of job. Being a Trooper is a 24/7 deal.
  14. If someone promised you a pension after working for them for 30 years, and you work for them for 30 years, yes! You do deserve a pension. You don't deserve to work for 30 years for less pay than a comparable private sector job with the promise of a pension, and when you get there someone decides to change the rules.
  15. If a deal's been made, it should be executed. The place to deal with issues such as this is not to go and change all the standing contracts, but to change the contracts with new hires. Pensions aren't the only issue causing financial hardships in the government. Pensions are supposed to be funded seperately from the general fun in the state of Tennessee anyway.
  16. Since she was promised a pension when she hired on, I think she deserves a pension once she's upheld her end of the deal. I don't think it would be a bad idea to rethink the old pension plan when dealing with new hires, however. If it weren't for the TEA and NEA, and if your wife is an excellent teacher, she'd be making more money. Actually, if she quit paying union dues tomorrow, she'd have more money.
  17. I added one to it last week. Just haven't updated the pic. Thanks for your concern, however.
  18. All that without the benefit of a union? :eek:Get outta here!!!
  19. I've got a few snubbies in the bunch.
  20. I was just informed that our school is dismissing at 2pm because of rain. These people are NOT interested in educating our children. They are interrested in satisfying minimum governmental requirements and fund raising. You ain't getting much sumpathy from me until some of this crap is dealt with.
  21. Twenty years ago, I spent twelve years in school listening to teachers bitching about not making enough money. I'm sure you all did as well. It is a fool, in my opinion, who goes to school to be a teacher, armed with this knowledge, gets a job teaching, and then acts surprised that it isn't a high paying job. I'm not a teacher. I don't want to be a teacher. But if I were to become a teacher, I'd have a plan to deal with the fact that I'd have a low income. Good teachers are cutting their own throats supporting the TEA and the NEA. They are holding the good teachers back. A good teacher is vastly underpaid.
  22. This tutorial should answer about any question you have: JDLawhon.com - Holstermaking 101 It's how I learned. I really enjoy it, and I expect you will as well. The Tandy store is a great place to get your tools and materials. The people there are very helpful and knowledgeable as well. If you try it and have questions, I'd be happy to help any way I can. You can expect to spend $150 to $200 to start, and as you make some, you'll find a few more tools you'd like to have.
  23. This isn't the first discussion Eric's had with me.
  24. Sure. I've made holsters for a lot of guys here.
  25. The Savage is a 32 ACP. My wife won't let me purchase a 45.


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