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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. My father has a model 52. It looks like the 39, but is hand built at the custom shop, with a top notch trigger, and is chambered for 38 Special Wadcutters. It is a tack driver!!!
  2. I understand that to be the difference. I believe the 39 predates the double stack 59. I don't care for double stack pistols; I'm not real big on pistols at all; preferring revolvers, but in the beginning of the wonder-nine years, capacity was king. What you lost in grip comfort and concealibility you gained in mag capicity.
  3. I probably paid a bit much, at $200, but the m44 carbines aren't as plentiful as they once were, and this one looks like new. It is stamped 1944, and has the triangle with an arrow inside it. I see the bore brush is missing from the tool kit, but it appears everything else is here and like new. I can't wait to shoot it. I asked the guy who I bought it from if the recoil was bad. He said he didn't notice it much, "but it sure is loud!!!":D
  4. After much searching, I found a pretty nice specimen of a Smith and Wesson 39-2. There are many of them around, but not so many for sale right now. This one came with the box, paperwork, cleaning kit and screwdriver, and 3 extra mags. I've shot one box of ammo out of it, and so far I really like it. A soon to be classic of American crafstmanship. It isn't a Glock, but it'll do.
  5. I think the R1 looks pretty cool. Thanks for the report. You're the first person I've heard from who has actually fired one.
  6. I see some minor tool marks on the outside of the barrel, and just a hint of powder fouling on the inside from a factory test firing. What do I win? Am I missing something?
  7. I'd love to see the look on the soccer moms' faces when they get their uniforms with an embroidered AR-15 on the front.
  8. I've got more guns than my kids will ever wear out, and more than enough ammo and reloading supplies to shoot the barrel out of most of them. Why try to make black powder. I think before it gets that bad, I'm going to concentrate my efforts into helping put into place a stable government.
  9. I definitely fall into that catergory.
  10. I must be a "lady", because my favorite load is a 148 gr HBWC behind 2.7 grains of Bullseye. To resond to the OP, you can buy a lee handloader very inexpensively. It stores in a small box. With it you can make some great ammunition; albeit not very fast. It would definitely be worth a look.
  11. SOmetimes there's a reason you can't find data for a particular powder in a particular cartridge.....maybe you should find some different powder.
  12. SOunds like something worth looking into. My children shoot the gun a lot as well, and every little bit would help. Thanks.
  13. For around $300 new, I'll say it's hard to beat my GSG 1911-22 for pure fun.
  14. Thanks for all the kind words everybody.
  15. I work for the people who issue the handgun carry permits, yet I am not allowed to carry at work. How nuts is that??!!??
  16. They definately have the right....they also suffer from the need of someone teaching them a bit of manners and respect. That's what's sorely lacking in today's culture.
  17. Sure. I AM a lefty! All that involves is turning my pattern over. I've never understood why it is so hard to find left handed holsters.
  18. I'm glad to see there are other people out there who see it like I do. Unfortunately, however, all too often we don't get to choose. That's left up to a higher power. I'm glad it is, because I'd screw that up as well as everything else I touch.
  19. They have hot girls in their commercials and advertisments.
  20. Cool Picture! Thanks for sharing.
  21. My wife and I qualified with a Smith and Wesson K22; NOT whet either of us carry.
  22. If you're hunting whitetail deer, I think you are wasting money on premium ammunition. The first ammo I'd try is 150 grain Remington from Wal Mart. It is usualy a consistant performer, and reasonably priced. If you are going to hunt elk, moose, bear, etc., I'd move up to a heavier bullet, and maybe consider premium bullets as well. In my opinion, you'd be better served to buy the cheaper ammo and practice with it, than to buy expensive ammo and not want to shoot it.
  23. I have a selection of shotguns, but the one most used to shoot informal clays is my wife's 20 guage Beretta AL391 Urika. It shoots great, and recoils little. My Browning double gets fondled a lot, but after a few rounds, it gets laid down in favor of the soft shooting Beretta.
  24. You get all that figured out, and I'll bet we can scrounge up some business for you.
  25. I'd suggest you go to a hardware store and but a complete kit, and stop fooling with Wal Mart junk.


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