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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Was Dagney hot? I just answered my own question.....YES SHE IS!!!
  2. Erik, You simply MUST read the book.
  3. I've never owned one, but I will tell you that 9mm bullets are .355" while 357 bullets are .357-.358". I don't know how this affects accuracy. That being said, I'd like to have a convertible chambered for the two.
  4. Here are mine: An 1894 Marlin, a Smith and Wesson 29-3 6", a Ruger Super Blackhawk, and a Smith and Wesson 29-2 6.5". I like the 44 magnum, and I'm always looking to add to them. Let's see yours.
  5. I figured the Blue Line store was just for LEOs, so I have avoided it.
  6. Well done, and thank you for representing us gun owners in a positive manner. Those of us who can should reward this restuarant with our patronage the next time a chimichanga craving strikes.
  7. You stole it! I've yet to own a S&W revolver that wasn't scary accurate.
  8. You might enjoy much of Tom's other work as well. He's a great artist and a wonderful storyteller as well. Here's another great classic.
  9. Not trying to burst your bubble, but I recall emblems similar to that being quite popular on mailboxes some years ago.
  10. Pocket pouch for KelTec P3AT or Ruger LCP mag and Streamlight MicroStream - 24hourcampfire I bought one of these little gems from this fellow Tennessean. It came in the mail today, and I love it! The little flashlight is amazing for it's size, and the whole kit doesn't take up very much room in your pocket. I think it was a very good idea, and he is great to deal with. I have no financial interest in these; I'm just passing on what I found to be a useful product at a fair price.
  11. Don't dare go without stopping at Smokey mountain Knife Works. Also, if you like baseball, see if the Smokey's are in town. They have a very nice stadium right off I 40.
  12. ...and COLT?????
  13. Ruger makes it a practice to stamp their entire owner's manual on the slide of their pistols in very large font.
  14. Looks like you've found a hatchet. Unfortunately, the handle's rotted out of it.
  15. I'm not turkey expert, but this looks like a great big bird to me!!! My boy shot this this morning. it has a 10" beard and 1.5"spurs. I didn't have any scales to weigh it, but it was all he wanted to pick up. He's very excited.
  16. Good tastes in knives and bourbon.
  17. My fire alarm in the attic went off shortly after midnight one night. After waking, slowly discerning what had awoken me, and repeatedly looking the house over for signs of a fire, I threw the old alarm away, and replaced it the next day. That night, however, the sleeping was over. I don't know how you could go to sleep after a start like that.
  18. I believe you are correct. In Kentucky, however, I think one can open carry without a permit. My Tennessee permit has written on it "Handgun Carry Permit". It makes no mention of conceal carry.
  19. You got me there! How bout a centerfire?
  20. Heck, I'd kind of like to see pics of the holster.
  21. Name another rifle readily available for $100-200, with which you can readily buy inexpensive ammo, AND actually hit something with it.
  22. That, my friend, is a Smith and Wesson pre model 34 PINTO! If original, and it looks to me to be, you have a quite rare and valuable piece. It would be well worth your while to request a letter from the Smith and Wesson historian, Mr. Roy Jinks, to verify the originality of the gun. Thanks for sharing! That's quite a piece. Could it have possibly been purchased at Rex Firearms in New York? Is there any chance you could locate the box it came in?
  23. Post some photos. I'd like to see it. It sounds like a butcher job, but there are a couple of other possibilities.


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