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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Are you going to shoot the d@mned thing??!!??:D
  2. +1. I buy all the used dies, bullets, and brass I can. This is a great savings, especially when you can find a large lot someone is getting rid of. I bought almost 30 boxes of .257 bullets a while back for $120. I sold 6 boxes of that lot for $60. I now have more than 20 boxes of bullets for $60. A lot of them are Nosler, and are near $30 a box new. $20-$25 per die set used is normal, while they are much more expensive new. Same thing for brass.
  3. Good review.. I agree with you 100%. If you can stand the rough finish and the unobtrusive, although unnecessary safety, you'll be hard pressed to find a better shooting 22 revolver at any price; let alone for $100.
  4. Miller Lite.
  5. Post pics. Is it a takedown model or a solid frame? Prices are all over the map on them lately, with some selling for crazy money. A few things to look for in evaluating it would be that most of them have a crack in the stock on top where it meets the tang of the receiver. Also, a lot of them have been drilled and tapped for a scope as well as had sling swivel studs installed. All of this hurts collector value. Either way, you'd have to search long and hard to find a better deer rifle. Most of mine will shoot MOA groups with factory ammo. A nice, original pre war 99 in 300 Savage will bring at least $700 to $800 in today's market. If it's a rare model such as a "T", saddle ring carbine, engraved, or one of many other variations, the sky's the limit!!! On the other hand, a "bubba'd" shooter will usually fetch $300-$400.
  6. Ron Paul would make a great president, and is a very intelligent man. However, he comes off as a nut if you just casually observe him. His lack of public speaking ability will keep him from being a contender.
  7. Now there's a fine forum member stepping up!
  8. That'll work!
  9. Yes we did! What is that they say about history repeating itsself?
  10. I liked this obituary: Beloved character actor Osama Bin Laden, star of TV's "Fox News", dead at age 54.
  11. Watch out for the cottonmouths!!! I haven't been there since I was a kid. Then, we stayed at the Airpark Inn, which I don't think is open anymore. We rented a Stumpjumper boat. We caught more and bigger largemouth bass than anywhere I've fished before or since. We also caught fish called "grennel". They reminded me of catfish with scales and teeth. They fought like a gold glove boxer, and growled at you when pulled from the water.
  12. The .410 is for informal clays. My youngest agrees. If you ever find yourself near Lafayette, you're welcome to give one a try.
  13. :stunned:Did you say that with a straight face?
  14. WTS:Savage 99 308 - 24hourcampfire Caster, if you'd have only spoken sooner...
  15. Hi Daniel! Caster, here are some better pics. and here are a few more Top to bottom: post mil F in 243 Win eg in 300 sav with an early Bausch and Lomb Balvar scope and mounts 1899 H takedown with a Savage .410 barrel another eg in 300 Sav and yet another eg in 250-3000 Sav
  16. Seriously, you all didn't expect Haslam to be a self serving prick? Really?
  17. It is a post war 99R in 300 Savage. I have several 99's, but this is the nicest I own.
  18. I guess it's time I shut up and let otherst talk.
  19. I wasn't aware there ever was a gun show in Cookeville. Who was the promoter?
  20. Sounds like they are moving toward what Tennessee has; handgun carry.
  21. You obviously didn't get the ammo flyer from Cabelas. $38.99 for a box of 243 ammo? Really??!!??
  22. I enjoy carving and tooling leather, but I'm just not very artistic.
  23. Looks good to me! I found this tutorial very handy when making a mexican loop holster. http://leatherworker.net/SimmonsHolster.pdf
  24. $100-UNLIMITED. It depends on your definition of being "set up." I've been reloading for 30 years, and I'm still adding suff.
  25. Most of us have a big box full of holsters. You probably will one day as well. Some work well in a lot of situations, some work well in a few situations, and some just didn't work out at all.


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