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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Social security should have been fought and defeated when it was first proposed.
  2. I went. Wasted trip.:(At least I didn't spend any money, so the wife is happy.
  3. bajabuk, You've been spouting socialist propaganda on this forum ever since you came here. Anytime government confiscates money, and hands it back out to certain individuals, and you take the handout, it is an entitlement. "Socialism" and "Social security" even derive from the same root word; "social". You are now knee deep in the socialistic heaven you espouse. Be happy and enjoy it. You've robbed your children and grandchildren a decent future in order to secure a few bucks for yourself. Quit your whining!
  4. TDOT spent more money on erosion control prevention for that project than what it costed to build the road.
  5. I'm a buy and hold guy. I'm also buying monthly; dollar cost averaging. A big drop in the market would suit me fine right now.
  6. Looks like the price is right as well. Let us know how it shoots. I'll bet those get popular.
  7. Yeah....when I send an email, a guy runs out of the barn with a file folder under his arm.
  8. I do not know anything about the coal business, but I build roads. We've gotten to the point that every new rule, regulation, permit, etc. does nedt to nothing to prevent erosion, contamination, etc. The point of diminishing returns was reached several years back. We're fastly being regulated to the point it will soon be impossible to build anything. I expect the coal industry is much the same. If you are worried about water contamination in Tennessee, the only industry I am aware of who is pretty much exempt from much of this bureacracy is, oddly enough, the agriculture idustry. I don't know your grandfather in law's age, but I expect a lot has changed since he left.
  9. I'm here, but I sure can't tell it's any faster.
  10. Just over in the edge of Georgia, a few minutes from Chattanooga is a really cool amusement park called Lake Winnpesaukee. It's just like you went back in time fifty years.
  11. Sort of like playing golf with a shotgun. So, where did you go?
  12. Henry Horton state park. Stay in the lodge, enjoy the pool and the delicious buffet. You can go canoeing, and there is a trap/skeet/sporting clays range right on the property.
  13. If a person could tell you are gay while you are riding a bicycle down the street, you might want to rethink your wardrobe.
  14. Thanks for letting us know, Erik. I hope it all goes well for you. It will certainly be an adventure. I like Orlando. You aren't working for Disney, are you? If so, can you get me some tickets?
  15. Antlers and Feathers, Lafayette, TN Gamaliel Shooting Supply, Gamaliel, KY Cheek's Trading Post, Scottsville, KY
  16. Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered three sets. I love that show. That's a great price, and they'll make perfect Christmas gifts.
  17. My wife works from home. She used to be really outgoing, but working from home has turned her into quite the intravert. I've never been very social, yet I'm out among people all day every day. Weird, huh? Glad to hear your new job is working out, David. Life's too short to do something you hate every day.
  18. If you aren't comfortable carrying your handgun with one in the chamber, it's time to go shopping for one you'd be comfortable with.
  19. Sounds good, but after reading further and conidering the inital investment, I think I'll just stick with my corn cobs and car polish. If I didn't already have a tumbler, however, I'd give the one you got a long, hard look.
  20. Let's see some pics!!!
  21. I love my GSG! It has a good trigger, is fairly accurate, and is less expensive than most conversion kits. I've shot several hundred rounds through it now with no problems, and I haven't took it apart and cleaned it yet. For the money, I don't see how you'd beat one.
  22. I'm sure I lnow which guy you are referring to. I know he's been there for 30 years, and he's asked about nearly every gun I've ever brought into the show. I now refrain from slowing down; let alone looking at his table. When he starts to ask about a gun I'm carrying, I don't slow down and quickly say "NOT FOR SALE!"
  23. Not the quality of the previous pictures, but I'm kind of partial to this one for some reason. Taken with a Canon EOS Rebel.
  24. I think I paid $20 for the last one I bought...ant it works. They are very low quality. Better hang on to your Taurus. I'll bet if you look closely, it won't be a 38 Special either. A box of shells will be worth considerably more than the gun.
  25. Thanks, Travis. I will call you, but it may be a few days.


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