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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Let him hand you the money and you hand him the gun. Don't overthink this; it isn't that hard. What's the bill of sale for?
  2. I did notice the horse collar lying on one table. I didn't price it however.
  3. No, this guy was walking around with it in a nice holster. He said he had a presentation case for it for another hundred dollars. It looked like new.
  4. Send it to me and I'll tell you how it shoots.
  5. Time.
  6. I almost bought one from a guy for $700!!! You did good. I wish you all would wear a button or something so I'd know who you were.
  7. I enjoyed this show as much as any I've been to in years. The tables were a bit flea market, but there were some deals to be had walking around the show. I also had some very nice conversations with several gentlemen there. I sold a few, and picked up a nice Smith and Wesson Hand Ejector 4th change in 32-20, as well as a sweet Ithaca Flues Model 20 guage double. I passed on several more I wish I'd have purchased. I'll probably go back to the next one, and might even slip back down there tomorrow. Beat the heck out of a Goodman show if you ask me!!!
  8. Police yourselves, guys! Don't call for MORE regulation. I think this was a step in the right direction.
  9. I'd buy one for $100. Shouldn't be any problem to recoop your money if you have buyer's regret. A $100 gun is a very easy thing to sell.
  10. I'm suprised they finally updated their website to reflect the current law.
  11. Now theres something to brag about! Way to go.
  12. The problem I see with "trophy hunters" is that most of the ones I come in contact with are in competition with one another, and end up doing unethical and illegal things in order to get the biggest deer. This gives ALL hunters a bad name. I'd like these people purged from our rolls. If you hunt legally, this shouldn't offend you.
  13. Two young boys and a dull hatchet?
  14. I'll be on the Macon County side of the wall!
  15. I intend to be there on Sunday.
  16. Love it!!!
  17. I don't care for ARs, but my father ha a Colt HBAR Match, and he mounted a 2x7 Leupold Rifleman on it with good results.
  18. It isn't uncommon to come home and find a neighbor perched on my shooting bench.
  19. Whatever you get, please don't waste your money on a great big cheap scope and see thru rings!!
  20. We're planning to build a wall at the Sumner/Macon line if it looks like anything bad is going to happen.
  21. Welcome to the forum, Glock25. To answer your question, we try to be prepared for life in general, by living within our means, having an emergency fund, having a good supply of food, household supplies, fuel, etc. Not sure if you are a believer, but you'll find a lot of this advice in the Bible. It works pretty good even if there isn't a disaster. If you do any camping, you'll likely have a leg up on many items you'd find handy in a bad situation.
  22. Think Chevrolet versus GMC truck. Same thing made on the same assembly line, just different trim. Yes, they are quality guns.
  23. I once took the door panel off a 67 Chevy II Nova I had and found a chicken feather and an old beer bottle cap. Does that count?
  24. I don't have much faith in that scope mount setup. You could custom order those back in the day for pretty much whatever barrel length you wanted.
  25. What??!!? No jerky? The last show in Gallatin I attended, I saw a guy there selling gutters. I feel the promoters should draw a line somewhere.


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