I'd like to reinforce what others have said and encourage you to get set up to reload your own. Savings isn't that great for common calibers, but it is there. Far more important to me however, is the fact that I can custom load ammo to my taste and to my particular firearm's liking. I have several guns in duplicate calibers, and they all don't shoot the same thing well. I can also load quality defense ammo for about the same cost as plinking ammo.
The real savings comes with oddball calibers. If you're really into guns, you'll wind up with one or more of these in time. Calibers like 41 Magnum, 32-20, 218 Bee, 401 Herters PowerMag, etc., are not only nearly impossible to find, the seller will absolutely rape you when you do find them. I can load a box of 38 specials, or a box of 41 Magnums for about the same cost. You can buy a BUNCH of 38 Special ammo for the price of one box of 41s.
I won't lie to you; you'll never save any money reloading......but you WILL get to shoot more!!!