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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Nope. Those aren't original grips. It would have came with diamond checkered wood grips. The gun has been refinished as well. Assuming it is mechanically sound, however, you got a fine carry revolver at a fair very price.
  2. :down:Feces stirring fluff. I found very little relevent information in the article. Reporting the opinions of idiots does not a story make. Brian, Although you have come here to try and gather information from "the pro gun side", it's painfully obvious where your opinion lies. Why couldn't you give some statistics to illustrate the extent of the problem in private gun sales. Let's suppose for a moment that we pass a law requiring background checks for private sales. This would be nothing more than an additional tax on an otherwise legal activity that a vocal minority opposes. How would we enforce this law? Firearm registration is the only avenue I can see. That would lead to eventual confiscation. I cite Nazi Germany as an example. I enjoy trading guns. I own a BUNCH of guns. I buy, sell, and trade many times a year. Most of the people I trade with fall into the same catergory. Having to pay a $10 fee to the government for a background check that has otherwise been run many, many times previous, added to the $10-$30 fee a licensed gun dealer would charge to run this for me, would be a very significant additional tax. This proposal is nothing more than a step in the direction of more government control.
  3. I go to Walmart occasionally, but only as a last resort. I will, however, starve before I ever set foot in another Kroger store.
  4. I can prevent your next ticket......DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT!!! As much as I dislike LEO's in general, it is their job to enforce the law.
  5. Sounds fair. If you have a guy you can trust, well, that's worth a pretty good premium to me even if he isn't the cheapest.
  6. Gamaliel Shooting Supply - Rifle Scopes, Reloading Supplies, Gun Accessories, Guns It's a couple of hours from you, but darned well worth the drive if you're looking for anything shotgun related.
  7. gregintenn

    My New 1911

    Aint nothing wrong with that! ...except maybe fot that pink dot on the side of it? Very nice handgun.
  8. Why is teaching children safe gun handling practices never advocated by anyone but me?
  9. I've yet to hear a bad word about them. I'd be willing to bet the 357 is a handful with full power loads.
  10. I'll take a dozen at least!!!
  11. Is this a good place to extoll the many virtues of the revolver?
  12. Neat site! Thanks for sharing. There are some odd ones in there.
  13. As much as I admire John Moses Browning, I've never been a fan of the old A-5. Sort of like Elvis, if I didn't like the real thing, I'm probably not going to care for an impersonator.
  14. You've listed two totally different cartridges here. Which one is your revolver chambered for?
  15. Who voted no? Did the OP's wife find this thread?
  16. That shouldn't be considered gunsmithing. Bubbaing, or butchering would be a more appropriate term.
  17. As you probably know, the 25-06 is a 30-06 parent case necked down to accept a .257" bullet. It is a fine deer cartridge. You'll need to be the judge of whether the extra ammo expense and scarcity is worth it to you. 25-06 ammo isn't hard to find, but you won't find many different loadings on the same shelf like you will in 270 or 30-06. As for me, I like the oddballs; but I reload. I've yet to have any problems anchoring deer with the 250-3000 Savage or the 257 Roberts, and the 25-06 is ballistically superior to either, with all three sporting a 25 cal projectile.
  18. Just one??!!??
  19. Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Bayonets of World War II Here's quite a bit of info on them. I was given a 6.5 Arisaka a while back. I was surprised with the quality of the rifle. It is miles ahead of an old 6.5 Carcano I have. You'll have better luck finding 7.7 ammo than I have in find the 6.5 stuff.
  20. How about an article shining a light upon the fallacy of "the gun show loophole"? If that goes over well, it could be an ongoing segment. The second installment could be the fallacy of "the separation of church and state". I'll bet $20 you can't get it published in the Tennessean.
  21. I really can't picture John Wayne pulling one out of his scabbard.....Napolean Dynamite maybe.
  22. This isn't an opinion. It is a black and white fact that no firearms laws are suspended at a gun show. Every single gun law in effect is in effect at a gun show as well as at any other location. THERE IS NO "GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE"!!!!!!! I thought this was the job of the op ed writer and the talk show host. When did the job of a reporter stop being the breaking of stories and the reporting of facts?
  23. O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. - Firearms, Shotguns, Rifles, Accessories, and Precision Machining Who the h3ll thought this was a good idea?!!??!!?
  24. Tell the neighbor his horses make your gun nervous. He and I wouldn't get along very well.
  25. SO did you go, Brain? If so, let's hear about your experience.


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