:down:Feces stirring fluff. I found very little relevent information in the article. Reporting the opinions of idiots does not a story make.
Brian, Although you have come here to try and gather information from "the pro gun side", it's painfully obvious where your opinion lies. Why couldn't you give some statistics to illustrate the extent of the problem in private gun sales.
Let's suppose for a moment that we pass a law requiring background checks for private sales. This would be nothing more than an additional tax on an otherwise legal activity that a vocal minority opposes. How would we enforce this law? Firearm registration is the only avenue I can see. That would lead to eventual confiscation. I cite Nazi Germany as an example.
I enjoy trading guns. I own a BUNCH of guns. I buy, sell, and trade many times a year. Most of the people I trade with fall into the same catergory. Having to pay a $10 fee to the government for a background check that has otherwise been run many, many times previous, added to the $10-$30 fee a licensed gun dealer would charge to run this for me, would be a very significant additional tax.
This proposal is nothing more than a step in the direction of more government control.