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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Well said, men. We appreciate your service to our country more than words can express.
  2. This type thing is what gets my panties in a bind regarding law enforcement. Let your kid squeal a tire, and he'll have to pay. This guy just wants his property back, and gets the equalivent of being held up for ransom.
  3. He said the police told him he could do this, but they knew the guys, and he had zero chance of ever recouping his money from them. This just doesn't seem fair to me.
  4. She does have an equine quality about her.
  5. A guy who does some work for me had some steel reiforcement bars stolen from a project in Westmoreland. The theifs were pulled over in Scottsville Kentucky for drunk driving I was told. Anyway, after determining where the steel came from, the police called the owner to inform him they had his steel. When he asked about picking it up, he was informed he would have to pay a towing bill that equated to more than the cost of the rebar. Is this correct? Why wouldn't the theives be responsible for the bill? It sure doesn't sound right to me. If I were him, I'd likely become a problem in Scottsville, Kentucky.
  6. I hate most all commercials except the ones with the Progressive chick, and the "Yella Fella". Political ads top my list of things that p1zz me off. Also, the erection medicine ad where the man and woman are sitting in two bathtubs, outside, and holding hands. What the h3ll is that all about??!!??
  7. Don't overlook a used rifle in good condition. Being so far form deer season, you can likely find a reasonable price on one right now. Often, they come with scope, sling, case, ammo, etc. Nope! If you are insistant on only spending $150, I'd recommend you peruse ebay for a used Leupold 4x M8, or an older Redfield.
  8. dOLOMITE Dolomite lives what he speaks! This is a truly good bunch of people here.
  9. I don't currently own any centerfire Remingtons, but all I've shot have been very accurate. I picked up my first Savage bolt a few weeks back. Just now starting to work up a load for it, and I believe it's going to be a shooter. The first load I tried: ...and the second: For the price, I can't complain about that. As for caliber, if you aren't reloading, I'd suggest a 243, 270, 308, or 30-06, as the ammo is very common, relatively inexpensive, and can often be found on sale at attractive prices just before deer season. There isn't near as much difference in these calibers as people would have you believe. I favor odd calibers, but I also reload. The accutrigger is pretty nice, but i can't tell it's much better than factory Remington or Winchester triggers. Savage does claim to have the fastest locktime of any production bolt action rifle. If you'd be willing to save up a bit more, I would recommend a Model 70 Winchester.
  10. Don't use the phrase "This is how they do it in Indiana", and you'll be o.k.
  11. I like nickel plated brass. I use lizard bedding from a pet store for media, and add a little Nu Finish car polish. You can get a feel for how much brass yours will tumble, because it'll start to slow down with too many. Dolomite gave some good advice. You don't need to fill the tumbler with media; just nearly cover the cases. Also, be sure to throw the media out when it gets dirty. You can tell when, because it takes longer to clean.
  12. It'll probably work if you are easy with it. I always thought the "o" ring style presses looked to be a lot stronger. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/176078/lee-challenger-breech-lock-single-stage-press
  13. You ever need more than six rounds of ammo in any of your gunfighting?
  14. ...probably not.
  15. Bunn filters are taller than regular filters.
  16. I see the race problem to be a symptom of a much larger problem. America is being divided: Black vs White Men vs Women Christian vs Non Christian Gay vs Straight Producers vs Takers Civilized Humans vs Envromentalists Ford vs Chevy... You can go on for hours with the list. The thing is that a united people aren't as easy to control and manipulate as a people fighting mongst themselves.
  17. I'm not trying to defending Martin, nor am I saying you're wrong. I'm simply stating that this might not be as cut and dried as some here seem to want to believe. I'm not sure there isn't some guilt from both sides. I'm also not sure there is. What would you do if someone was following you around at night. I wouldn't care for it at all.
  18. Some really neat stuff! Thanks for taking the time to share. Does water from the canteen taste like turtles? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90T3fsy3Q38
  19. You should have answered "Be damned if I know!"
  20. Those things would be very good in promoting the image of a department. I would like to see that sort of thing take place here. Thanks for the explanation.
  21. I agree! I don't believe we will ever know the facts of this incident. At this point, I don't have an opinion of whether or not Zimmerman is guilty. I do know that if I were walking around at night, and a mall ninja type fella kept following me, there'd soon be a confrontation. I expect everyone here feels pretty much the same way.
  22. Sir, would you be so kind as to explain a "PR contact"? I assume that is "public relations", but what would be involved in a PR contact?
  23. Well stated!
  24. I have an inline, but sincew my son has shown some interest in muzzleloader hunting, he's taken it over. I now am back to carrying my Thonpson Renegade 50 caliber with double set triggers. wd-40, I'd like to see the pics of the stuff you make. Have you ever considered making a powderhorn to sale?


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