I can offer some advice, and you can do with it what you like.
When I was a teen, I drove a very nice looking 67 Chevy II Nova. It sounded like a race car. I also drove a Corvette some. I loved the cars, but they drew attention. I don't care for attention. They also drew the polices' attention. I never cared much for them either.
As I grew up, I put these pieces together. I sorta miss classic cars, but I now drive more non descript vehicles, and have noticed police never give a second glance no matter where I am or when I'm there.
I haven't seen your car, but I'm betting it is an attention grabber for one reason or another.
If this is the case, it is sort of like a girl with pink hair and a tattoo on her forehead that gets upset when people stare at her. Whadda you expect?
If you don't like attention, don't drive a car that draws attention.