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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. I expect that'll be a long line.
  2. I consider a quarter a pop a fair price for 7.62x39. Anything cheaper than that needs to be bought.
  3.                                       http://ammunitionstore.com/categories/rifle-ammunition/7-62x39.html $219.99 per k here, with a free AK magazine.
  4. I have several things sitting around that aren't running because of ethanol.   Not only are we screwing up small engines everywhere, we are also raising the cost of a necessary food staple for many third world countries.
  5. Whoever got the ball rolling to mandate ethanol to be added to gasoline should be drowned in the stuff.
  6. I'm a "both" kind of guy.
  7. ...and I'll stick with guns that don't come with plastic parts.
  8. Stick your chamfer tool in there and give it a twist.
  9.              http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu2YzYG0b98   I always like the Crocodile Dundee movies. I think this would have been funny.
  10. What the h3ll comes with a plastic guide rod?
  11. You've never chased a cigarette butt around a urinal? Really?
  12. I'm 15 for 20 as far as I can tell.
  13. Is it more or less foolish to buy a $70 brick there, or to spend $50 in gas going from Wal Mart to Wal Mart trying to find a $20 brick in stock? Some people have more money than others. Some have more time than others. Some must have more patience than others.   I'm glad there are different types of businesses set up to cater to different types of customers.
  14. ...and they're $229 again today. Oh well, mine showed up today. I don't know where the magazine was manufactured, but it appears new, and looks like a standard steel AK mag.
  15. I'll all in favor of a meteor screaming toward Earth, only to find her standing in it's landing zone.
  16. I'm happy with it. I don't really see much way to improve upon it. It beats the crud out of a quadrail in my opinion. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_2397_zps33a43470.jpg.html][/URL] I believe mine is a 15" model as well.
  17. I built one of the guns, the other is a stock Bushmaster. They are both 100% reliable with any handload I've fed them, as well as the Federal Valuepack stuff. Not so with the Wolf steel case ammo. I get the same results with both guns. Maybe I got some bad Wolf ammo? Like I said, accuracy is fine with it; just not reliability.   Wolf works great in my Mini 14. I also shoot a LOT of it in an AK and SKS (different caliber of course), and it's satisfactory in every way in 7.62x39.   I've tried Hornady Steel Match in my Bushmaster, and it cycles reliably. So it isn't as simple as just a steel case problem. Heck, I dunno.   It isn't a big deal as I don't have a big bunch of the stuff in 223, and will simply shoot what I have in my Mini. I just found it odd since I've always had good luck with Wolf ammo in general.
  18. Macon county.
  19. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_2398_zpse6cc9000.jpg.html][/URL] I used the matching TGO CMT upper and bolt.
  20. I wonder if it isn't a combo of underpowered rounds combined with the powdered steel cases that hold on inside the chamber a bit better than a brass case.   Could be I simply need to clean the chambers on my guns.
  21. I'll get a failure to feed every few rounds, and the bolt never locks back after the final round. It almost acts like it's underpowered to me. It is accurate however. Same thing with two different guns.
  22. The Russian stuff doesn't function reliably in my ARs. (I think you could shoot most anything through my mini 14 and it would work.) The Federal value pack stuff is flawless in them all.
  23. Imagine how big that pile would be. Do you have any idea how many ARs were sold just last year? I'm surprised there isn't an aluminum shortage.
  24. It was a good price at the time. I'll bet this ammo is out of stock before the weekend is over.   I'd buy a tractor trailer load of Norinco 7.62x39 for a dime a pop like it was in the 90's. I'd also like to get some more 22lr for less than $10 per brick again. Those days are gone. I'd sure hate to go back to making the money I was making then.   On a positive note, I imagine the U.S. population is more well armed today than they've ever been.
  25. Oh well.....that's still the best price I've seen in years; especially with a free magazine. I'm happy.


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