If it's factory nickel, and it appears to be from the pics, it should have an N stamped on the grip frame under the grips; probably on the cylinder as well.
I'd buy a new in the box example of that revolver if I wanted one that looked like new. You'll spend a lot of money having this one refinished, and it'll be worth no more, and probably less than it is today. Look at it this way....it has character.
I have new in the box guns that I simply don't enjoy. The ones in similar shape to this one get a LOT of use. I do enjoy them.
That Tyler-T grip on it is a pretty sought after item by it's self.
I suggest you buy some 38 Special ammo and give her a go just as it is. If you aren't familiar with 50's vintage K frame Smiths, you will fall in love. I've shot a limit of squirrels before with a model 10, and I'm a lousy shot with a handgun.
If the hammer and trigger work smoothly, it probably wouldn't benefit much from cleaning. It's pretty airtight under the sideplates.
You have a very special friend. :up: